Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An Arboretum Adventure: Part 1

My adventure started early in the morning on Sunday. I woke up at 6:00 AM. Ate breakfast, got ready, and made my drive towards town. I charged my camera battery the day before so that it would be ready. I also had in my head what I would wear, and etc. When I reached a certain point while driving, I drove up the hill to Moscow. It was a beautiful drive. There were hardly any other drivers on the road, so it really was pleasant. The sun was also shining bright. After a forty-five-minute drive, I made my way into Moscow. My wonderful friend, Jolene, picked me up at the A&W, so that I could ride with her. Didn't know my way around, so it was so kind of her to do that for me. Thank you, Jolene!

She took me to the Moscow Arboretum & Botanical Garden. Right away, I could tell it was a path that would lead to a beautiful area. Taking out my camera, I began to shoot photos. My friend was so patient as I paused every so often to take a shot. I tend to do that a lot. We walked down the path that led into the arboretum. Talking about life, we enjoyed the many flowers and trees that were close to the path. There were also cool benches with quotes on them. One of them had a Bible verse. I can't remember all the different plants we encountered along the way, but there were many amazing specimens. We took it all in.

We weren't the only ones in the arboretum. There were couples, and people alone enjoying the walk. We stopped next to a bench that was near some water. We each had a few photos taken of us sitting on them. So happy! My favorite thing about the arboretum are the very unique plants found there. Some that I had never heard of before or even seen. I'm a plant lover. Okay, I'm kind of obsessed. I may not be the best at taking care of them inside, but I have an inner fondness for them, including trees. They're magical, ethereal, and full of wisdom. They never cease to bring me happiness, and I have an appreciation for them. 

There were sections of the arboretum that were different parts of the world. I found this fascinating. I thought all of them were neat in their own way, but the Asia one was pretty cool. With benches in each section, some artistic formations, and places to take pictures, there was much to enjoy. The whole arboretum itself wasn't super large, but it was just right, nestled next to a golf course. As we continued our walk, we found numerous things to talk about. It was the perfect place to reflect on life. Something so peaceful about nature. It heals the soul and opens communication. I love every bit of it.

The flowers were gorgeous. So many that I didn't recognize. Some were oddly shaped. Some were unique. All of them a beauty to behold. The arboretum itself appeared to be well taken care of. Green grass, trees, and water were all managed with care. Of course, there's the occasional dry spots, but that's expected with Idaho's summers. I don't know myself if I had any favorites while on our walk. Some did stand out, though. Jolene and I kept walking on the path till we got to a section that kind of veered off. It took us to some Hostas. I'm pretty sure my Mom has a few of these or did have some. Cool plants!

The Hostas were huge. It felt like I was in a jungle. I don't know if Hostas exist in jungles, but maybe they should! Being surrounded by them was a curious feeling. They appear dense and large. After we stepped past these awesome plants, we walked on by more flowers and trees. In the end here, I didn't post every photo I took of the arboretum, but I tried to include at least some of them. There was much to see and explore. One could definitely come back and traverse the area. I could also see how people would like to get their pictures taken there for certain events. It's absolutely fun and memorable.

When we neared the end of the loop around that we took, we walked past a red barn. It led us to the parking lot. We both got into the car and took off down the road from the arboretum. Our next stop was at a garden down the road a couple of miles. I had never heard of it but knew that it had lovely flowers. You could cut flowers and fill up your bucket with them. This meant that you could get your own bouquet that someone else grew near their own home. This part will be told in a part 2 of this adventure. The post will be next week, so be sure to come back for that last bit of my journey. If you liked my post, follow me here on Blogger or like my Facebook page here. Thanks! And thanks, my friend!

Many Blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, June 24, 2024

Business Spotlight: Local Wendy's

I sometimes have some free time in the afternoon, so I did a little exploring. I know my definition of exploring is most likely simple and easy for other people. But my inside social anxiety makes everything an adventure, so that's kind of how it feels to me. My senses are heightened when I step outside of my comfort zone. And on this particular day, I went to our local Wendy's. It's one of my favorite fast-food places, but I never eat inside. It makes me too nervous, so I avoid it. However, I changed that on this afternoon. I stepped into Wendy's, nerves and all. Stubbornly, I was going to enjoy this experience.

With determination, I tried to ignore my feelings. I already kind of knew what I wanted. I had walked through it in my mind, because I didn't want to appear awkward. I felt like everyone was watching me order, so I had to know what I wanted beforehand. Knowing that, I pushed the door open and walked in. I waited behind another customer, and when it was my time, I ordered. I like to think that I went through it seamlessly. I picked out a baked potato (they still make them!), a fry, and frosty. I didn't get a small drink because I thought a frosty would be good enough. It was! So I paid for it all and gave them my name. 

My true reason for coming to Wendy's was nostalgic. Long ago, I used to go inside and eat with my Grandma and cousin/friend. We would sit at the same spot almost every time. It was next to the window looking out. I remembered the feeling of happiness when I got to spend time with them, and of course, in eating some delicious food. My Grandma would take us both out to eat and go shopping. We spent many nights with her. My cousin and I played together with our Pound Puppies houses (they were kind of like Polly Pocket, but I don't know how to describe them). The places to shop were Walmart, and the mall that's kind of like a hall. There's no levels. I call it "the hall" because of it. Anyways, good times.

If I remember right, Wendy's used to have a kids meal. I don't know if they still have that or not. As I grew older, I would get a baked potato, fry, and frosty. What I got that day was almost identical except the potato came with bacon. I was picky with meat as a kid, so I didn't always get a hamburger. I did like chicken nuggets, however (sometimes). All good food; all wonderful times. I wish so much that my Grandma was still alive, and that my cousin lived closer (we grew up together). While I can't eat Wendy's with them again like this, I'll hold these precious memories close, because they mean so much to me.

In the past years, it's also been my Dad's favorite place. We still, if we head into town for something together, we get a bite to eat there (just in the drive-thru). I suppose what one must do in this moment, is to remember to hold time spent with others a priority. Just hold them near, and once they're gone, make those memories last. I'm so glad I stopped here. But who knows? I may do it again soon. Thanks, Grandma! Miss you lots.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Business Spotlight: Delights

My day started like any other day, I got up and went to work. My plan, however, was different. I wanted to see if the Delights truck was across the parking lot from Ross. I drove over from work to Lewiston. My first stop was at TJ Maxx. I bought a few things (a cat pad scratcher and cat treat ball) for Kenji (my cat). I then drove along the parking lot and parked near the Delights cart. I was excited to try it. I had seen it on Facebook.

I met Paige, the owner. She's friendly, fun, and sweet. She asked me for my name, and I gave it to her. I really liked her blue cart that sat on the lot during a sunny day. It was welcoming. I checked out the cookies she had to the right, and also, the cute cups to my left. I looked through her menu of drinks and decided on a vanilla cold brew. She made it in front of me while I watched. I had been trying to find a day to find the Delights cart and was able to make it during that afternoon. I was looking forward to the drinks.

After she was done with the cold brew, I tasted it for the first time. It was really good. With my coffee in hand, I couldn't leave without a cookie or one of her cups (the pink one). So I definitely got both. The cookie was yummy, and I've already used my pink cup. If you haven't noticed, I have a thing for cups. Before I left, Paige asked me for my blog address. I gave it to her, and mentioned that I would blog about Delights. I had already taken pictures, so I said goodbye. I took my cup, drink, and cookie within my arms.

I recommend trying her espressos. I haven't tried any of the energy drinks, but I'm sure they're really good, too. She has a drinks menu that you can look through to see if there's something you'd like. I plan on going back to try some other drinks. To know more, you can find her on Facebook where she posts where, what day, and what time she'll be at. You can be friends with her on Facebook here. If you're in the area, give Delights a try. Be sure to come back to experience the other drinks, as well. Thank you, Paige!

When I got home, I finished my drink. Didn't realize there was a heart on it. 💓 I then replaced my other scratcher pads (the old ones) out for the new ones I had gotten. I also gave Kenji the new cat ball that holds treats. He didn't seem to be too excited about it. He kind of left it on the floor. I give him treats whenever, so he probably thought, "Why should I work for it?" He's one smart kitty. My day was pleasant, and I'm so glad I tried Delights.

Did you like this post? Don't forget to follow me here on Blogger, and on Facebook here.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Friday, June 21, 2024

Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 2

 Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 2

Intro: There's more green around me. The plants are lovely, healthy,
and good right now. I, of course, take it all in. I'm just so thankful for these emerald gems.

Quest Ending: I'm reminded again that some of this lustrous green will end. 
Nice to capture these plants while I can. Enjoy these kinds of moments, 
because they can disappear in nature. But they'll sure return again next year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Business Spotlight: Bob's Pet And Pond

After work, I decided to visit a few places for photos. First, I went to Wendy's (which will be another post). Then, I knew that I had to stop at Bob's Pet And Pond. I go every so often to pick up some toys and treats for my cat, Kenji. Before I went in, I took a photo of the building outside. I remember when it was in the extra space to the side (which is next to it). I used to go more often. I had an aquarium for a while, so I got my fish from them. I had a sucker fish, red eye tetras, and neon tetras. My favorite were the red eye tetras. I had one that was large and had a huge jaw. I obviously named him Jaws. 

When I stepped in, I made my way to the cat section. They have a great selection of toys, treats, and other various items. I really like what they have available. I also go to Petco from time to time. I enjoy both places, but Bob's Pet And Pond is the only place that has Churu Rolls. I haven't been able to find them on Amazon, so I go here to get them. Kenji is obsessed with these treats. They're chewable rolls with cream inside. Hey, they look yummy. Not that I would try one! My cat just gobbles them up. One of his favorites.

After buying the stuff for my cat, I headed over to the fish. A beautiful shark appeared around the corner. I don't remember what kind, but I thought it looked pretty cool. I then made my way around the fish tanks taking in the nostalgia. Like I mentioned before, I used to have an aquarium. Not a big one, but it was just the right size for my room at the time. I miss having an aquarium. There was something peaceful about it. Maybe someday I'll get an aquarium again, but right now it wouldn't work. I don't have a place for one. 

Walking past the aquariums, I felt in awe. I know. Sounds silly, right? But to experience something that would ordinarily not be viewable for people, is there to see and take in. I remember always wanting to work at Bob's Pet And Pond, but it never happened. I was pretty young then, and I had no experience to show that I worked with animals. Sometimes things don't happen the way we wished, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I miss those old days. Sorry. I've been really nostalgic lately. I can't help but think about the past. I often visit my past when something stirs my memory. So, yeah, I then headed home.

I got home and joined my kitty. Taking out his gifts, I showed them to him. He always gets so excited and likes to purr when he has gifts. I got him two smaller cat toys that looked like he might show interest in. I also got him his Churu rolls, of course. And a toy that I just couldn't resist. It's a wand that has a ufo with a cat at the top. A cow is connected to the lengthy material. It glows within! Such a funny and cute idea for a cat toy. I got a kick out of it, especially since I watch Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch. We played together for a little bit, and I gave him a Churu roll. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was pleased!

After that, I did chores and helped out at home. Later, blogging. It was nice to get out and do something kind of spontaneous. I deal with a lot of social anxiety, so making myself take pictures of a business is hard for me. Especially, when I went to Wendy's. It felt so good to push myself a little, though. I had fun, and I plan on doing more things like this in the days to come. If you liked today's post, be sure to follow my blog on Blogger (it's in the right sidebar) and on Facebook here. Thank you! Hoped you liked today's spotlight post.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Wordless Wednesday: A Golden Moment