Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Intro: I had gone on a winter walk. With my camera, I snapped various photos of trees and miscellaneous. I mostly took them of the pine trees we have. I've always admired them since my family planted them there many years ago to create our own little forest. 🌲
You’ve written a couple of books. What inspired you to write them, Sharon?
My inspiration came from God and other people he’s allowed to walk with me in life.
I’ve written and published five books. My first book, “Jesus, Lord of My Seasons” was a give-away at a week-end conference I was leading. It’s free verse about hard times that assures Jesus is always there. The circumstances in each came from people I prayed with while I was serving on a prayer team.
The BRIDGE SERIES began with “A Bridge Named Susan.” She was my mother, a great story teller about growing up on a farm in the early part of the 20th century. I heard them often. I wrote her tales in “A Bridge Named Susan.” Life was hard. Her mother was disappointed she was a girl. Farms needed boys to help harvest. There was never a show of affection, love or caring. Susan longed for a bridge of love to span from her mother to her. It didn’t happen. Susan vowed she would make sure her children felt a strong, secure bridge of love. That promise would be fulfilled when she gave birth to Sharon (me) after twelve married years of extreme hardship.
It was important for me to tell how she kept that vow. The second book “Crossing the Bridge”, relates how she shared with me, her bridge of love using the advice of a neighbor, who had twelve kids, as her guide. “Love and be kind, Respect and encourage. Give much, expect much.” Life wasn’t perfect but it was secure and happy. Most of all God was at the center of life.
The third book is my jumping on “A Bridge of My Own”. After high school graduation, I walked my bridge to college, found my bridge to be wobbly, insecure, confusing and going nowhere. I made some bad decisions and married a man I hardly knew.
The bridge saga continues in “Crumbling Bridge” which fell apart no matter how I struggled to repair it and walk it. Eventually the marriage collapsed. I turned back to my mother’s safe bridge and found she still loved me and invited me to walk on her bridge until I could strengthen my own.
There are many people in life with whom we travel their life bridge or they walk on ours. Some help build a strong secure place and others tear life apart and leave rubble. Only God can make the kind of bridge we seek. He allows others to influence us, but our ultimate trust must be in Him.
What do you love most about writing?
I, like my mother, thoroughly enjoy being a story teller. It was one of my strong gifts as a Kindergarten teacher. I could hold the kids spellbound. Now I put stories on paper and hope they will have the same effect on readers.
How do you grow as a writer?
I have a wonderful writing group who’ve greatly influenced my voice, style and editing. We are a group who writes many different genre’, but are able to critique and advise each other. I’ve also attended many Christian Writer’s conferences, listed to many speakers, done on-line classes and had some great editors. I try to put all this into practice.
How do you hope your readers feel after reading your books?
My hope for all my books is that the reader will enjoy the stories, see themselves in similar circumstances and understand God is the Great Bridge Builder.
Do you have a new book that you’re working on right now?
Yes, I thought I was finished with the Bridge Series but my son said, “No, Mom. You haven’t told your readers how you got your joy back. You can’t leave them wondering if there’s no hope.” So, I’m 9,000 words into “The Bridge to Joy.” It will be a little different format. I’m taking each person, circumstance and institution as a little book within a book and showing how they helped bring joy back to my life. Of course, it was God using each of these.
What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?
I enjoy all kinds of books if they’re well written and the author has good skills in dropping information for the climax all through the book. I like twists and turns and surprises. My least favorite is romance. They’re too predictable.
There are many great Bible verses and quotes out there, but which of these apply your journey in life?
I have these verses that I’ve claimed in different circumstances: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and sound judgement; Isaiah 60:22 I am God. At the right time, I’ll make it happen ; Psalm 18:24 God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes ; Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (I like the Message version)
Sharon, have any closing thoughts, writing tips, or advice to share with us?
Writing is a gift. I’m excited to use my gift. I’ve been given the opportunity to write for the Lewiston Tribune’s Golden Times. I love how God has wired my brain to look at life a little different. Sometimes the simplest things will turn into a great story. Keep your eyes and ears open for your next inspiration.
Randomly Fun Questions:
What is one unique fact about you that most people don’t know?
My strangest job was analyzing 5 year old through adult’s sleep patterns and helping dry-up bed wetters. It was very rewarding—especially when adults could finally sleep dry or get themselves up at night.
We all seem to have collections of one item or another. Is there anything that you like to collect?
I’ve been blessed to get to travel all over the world. You can’t bring home the big things so I get a refrigerator magnet for each place I go.
Have a favorite dessert you can’t resist eating?
Ice cream – my favorite is banana split.
How can my readers best get in contact with you or follow you on social media?
Email: shoseley8@gmail.com
Facebook: Sharon Hoseley
Facebook: Bridge Stories
Thanks for being on my blog, Sharon!
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Intro: It was a cold day, and there was no snow. I went for a short walk to take pictures. I could hear the coyotes yipping somewhere in the canyon. I even found an old nest. And plenty of leaves. So many of them. I had to pick one up. I realized winter was leaving.
I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...