Monday, July 8, 2024

Blog Update: A Few Changes

You may have noticed that I haven't been blogging. The last couple of weeks have been absorbing my time. Plus, I've been really tired, so I've been resting more. We also had a family emergency. Everything has stabilized a bit. I'm back to blogging, but there's going to be some changes. I won't be blogging each day. It's just too much, but I plan on posting every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. At least for now, anyways. Doing this will give me extra time to pursue my book, as well (which I haven't been working on). I hope everyone is having a good summer so far. Mine's been busy, tiring, but also good.

I feel like this summer is going by fast. I'm conflicted by this. Summer isn't my favorite, and I don't do well in the heat. My body especially doesn't, so I'm really looking forward to fall. Honestly, I'm already getting ready for it. I've bought a few things for Halloween, and just, for fall in general. I know. It's early. But it gives me joy. While I'm preparing for fall, I'm taking the time to rest in summer. I've been so tired, and I tend to push myself. I'm always taking on projects and ideas that I can't keep up with. It's like my mind is hyperactive, but my body can't keep up. It's sometimes frustrating, but I'm learning to juggle both.

My goals for the rest of this year are to write and rest. I have to take a step back from just everything. I hope to still interact with people and visit some places. There's a few things that I want to try in my health journey, and stuff like that, you know. I may take you along on some of my projects, too. I like trying new things, so who knows where my blog will end up at. Let me know if you can think of anything that would be fun to do. For my blog, I'm still doing book reviews, interviews, business/restaurant spotlights, devotionals, and sometimes extra things. So much to experience. So much to do and plan.

Those that know me here, or on Facebook, know that life has steadied. My family stays busy, and so do I. The family emergency itself has balanced out for right now. I may get distracted a little in the future, but I'll be around on my blog. I want to thank those that offered prayers and support. I greatly appreciate all of it. Life is not easy, but suffering never lasts for anyone. It's getting through it that is the tough part. I have Christ in my life, so I'm learning to lean on Him in everything. And that has made the getting through easier. 

Thanks, everyone. See you soon in my future blog posts. If you like my blog, be sure to follow it. You can also find me on Facebook here.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance