Sunday, May 26, 2024

First Post: Welcome Travelers

This is my new blog. I've had some in the past, but this one is different. It focuses on the journey we all take because a lot of us wander. We may have an idea of what our goal or end will be like, and yet, we still wander. Life takes us on an unpredictable path. You'll never know where it will take you. I've gone down some that I never expected. The only thing we need to remember is where we want to end up. With God, preferably.

So, my blog is set up a certain way for each week. Mondays are for writing whatever I feel led to share. Tuesdays can be anything. Wednesdays are wordless, so a photo will take precedence then. Thursdays are for book reviews, author interviews, spotlights, and such. Fridays are photo quests, where there'll be photos and writing involved. Saturdays are whatever inspiration hits me with. Sundays are my wandering posts about God and life. They may even involve a devotional. In fact, they will. Expect a devo each Sunday.

The pages at the top are simple. There's home where the blog posts are at. About The Wanderer is a bio and mentions my current projects. My books page is where my first book. Butterfly Wings, is at. There's a link that takes you directly to Amazon for paperback or kindle. It's also at the bookstore ...And Books, Too! ( I plan on adding more books as time wears on. (Like, The White Heron and The Clearwater Creeper). The contact me is where you can send me an e-mail or follow me on Facebook.

The point of my blog is to encourage, inspire, and bring a sense of comfort. You can relax, sip some tea, and peruse my writing. Feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, or even, send me an e-mail. I want to make note that if you're an author, feel free to send me a message about setting something up. I'm open to reviews, interviews, book/author spotlights, giveaways, and even articles. I used to do this on a popular book blog I had many years ago, so I'm no stranger to it. So, thank you! I look forward to hosting you.

At the moment, I'm currently wandering. I know where I'm going to end up, so I have no worries about that. The wandering part is an adventure. Anything could happen - the good or the bad. I've had both, most of us do. However, I do have God which makes traveling in life easier. I honestly couldn't go on without Him. I've done some things I regret when I wasn't relying on Him. It got me in a whole lot of mess. I don't recommend it. I try now to focus on Him and pray before making a decision. It's amazing how that clears things up. 

Inspired by my past and future, I started Wandering With Grace. I hope you'll join me as we take on life together. You're my friend, even though I may not know you. Truly! I call so many that. You're welcome here, fellow traveler. Please, enjoy, if you like my content. Don't forget to share so that people can follow along. There will be more to come, so please hang around. (please, follow me on my blog, too - much thanks).

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. Enjoyed reading your thoughts. Indeed relaxing - so much in life is stressful it is a pleasant change. Best wishes. Linda Baker

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog.


Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...