Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Devotional: Let's Give Thanks
Thanksgiving week. Most of us have been preparing for this. We've got the turkey defrosting in the fridge, the cans of pumpkin ready for pie, and the many other things gathered for it. And I truly love it all. Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. I enjoy the togetherness of family, the delicious food, and the reminder to be thankful. I also have many wonderful memories of helping my Mom in the kitchen. And who can't like the smell of giblets cooking on the oven the night before, enticing me to wait patiently for the next day? Right?
This Thanksgiving I have much to be grateful for. I know we're supposed to be thankful for everything, but there are significant instances where we feel even more grateful. We come to realize that we have a lot to be content with. A fire almost destroyed our home, and my brother was in the hospital over summer. It was incredibly hard, and I'm just so happy that things seem to be settling. From everything, I've learned that no matter how hard life becomes, there is always something to be appreciative of. Any blessing of some sort.
There are less fortunate out there that have learned to adjust to being poor. They don't have much, and yet, they've found the secret to life. They're thankful for the smallest blessings and often don't complain about their circumstances. I like to support those places that bring support to poor individuals and their children. I wish I could be as content as they are with such little. They've taken the give thanks in everything seriously. I think we forget about that. We often want more and more. Maybe less is their answer.
I'm thankful for all, but especially for my life, family, friends, the list could go on. And to be honest, I think we're more content with less, mostly the material things. They really don't matter that much. What I've come to realize is that love is what life is about. I'm so thankful for love. It's all I need. It's all we need. I hope this Thanksgiving we remember. We remember that love is what Thanksgiving is. We cook, we thank each other, and we enjoy our time together - all because of love. Because of that, I hope you feel loved this week.
Let's give thanks.
"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB
Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Monday, November 25, 2024
Restaurant Spotlight: Waffles N' More
I headed into town for something I needed to do. I wasn't sure if I should eat breakfast or lunch after my chore. I thought maybe Waffles N' More would be a good idea. It was a truly cloudy, cold day. While I liked colder, darker weather, I needed something to fill my empty stomach. Something warm and comforting. I thought back to the last time I went to Waffles N' More. I hadn't ever gone to this restaurant much in the past, but I remembered two visits more recently. One to support a school supplies fund, and another with my cousin/friend.
As I stepped out of my car, I began to feel nervous. My social anxiety was messing with my feelings. I even felt anxiety from taking photos of the sign and of the building. With how often I take photos and visit places, this would be easy for me, right? It never is. Anywhere I go, and "act unnormal" (in my head, anyways). I tend to think that I stand out by taking photos, and secretly, I hate it. I love taking the photos, but I often feel that it brings me attention - seen by everyone and vulnerable. In reality, however, I'm sure most people don't care about me taking photos. I just often feel uneasy that way and surely always have.
I walked through the door and sat down to wait for a booth. I tried to calm my nerves while waiting, awkwardly looking around. My first thought was that it was really busy. Waitresses were bustling about the place, taking orders, and talking with the customers. When it was my time to be seated, I was a bit relieved. However, I was confused about who my waitress was. It took a little while to get a lemonade, but it was such a sweet drink when I received it. After waiting a few minutes, I gave my order. From the menu, I chose the Half the Farm Breakfast. It sounded delicious. While I waited, I distracted myself on my phone.
Sitting at my booth, I noticed that the people traffic had lessened. Maybe the busiest time had already come and gone. I was filled with such delight when my waitress approached me with a plate full of food. Actually, she had two - one with my sausage, egg, and hash browns, and the other was the half waffle. Now that I think back on it, I didn't receive any bacon. I actually didn't realize that until now. Oh, well. I didn't notice! I scarfed down my food. I was so hungry. I thoroughly enjoyed the bits of food while I drank the lemonade in-between bites. So to say, I was satisfied that I had chosen breakfast for my lunch.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, November 22, 2024
Photo Quests: Stepping Back Some More
Intro: Like the photo quest before this, I didn't find the time to take new photos. I just stepped back a little bit more. The photos I selected from the past follow no particular pattern. But I love to look back at them, because I'm reminded of those moments.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson - One Black Cat and the Power of Surrender
She jumps into my lap awkwardly, claws out. She drools copiously and paces as I attempt to scratch her ears. Dawn has never been a lap cat before, so she's still learning the ropes.
For many years, she was our outdoor rodent eliminator, so efficient at her job that we nicknamed her "Killer." She roamed our property, only returning to the kennel she was born in when the sun went down. Unless it was summer. Then she often stayed out all night.
She loved to sun on the decks and hunt the hillside behind our house. Two rows of juniper shrubs once lined the terrace behind the basketball court, and she liked to hang out in them. Several years ago, I cut them out and discovered a lair fit for a thriller under her favorite shrub. Beneath a canopy of branches and dusty spider webs I discovered a large, mummified rat lying on its back, stiff legs frozen skyward, earning our straight-up respect at her prowess.
How she stayed alive so long is anybody's guess, given the coyotes and Lord knows what else running around our place at night. One day she came home with a very bad wound in her side that required surgery, antibiotics, and a couple months of rest indoors. The vet guessed she had nearly fallen prey to an owl.
As soon as she was well enough, though, she would have none of being cooped up and insisted on being released back to her wild.
The Gwen fire changed all that. We couldn't find her when we had to evacuate, and she was on her own for many days. When she finally returned home, her body showed the hardships she had suffered. I reintroduced her to indoor living, and time she quickly gave up her independent lifestyle. Now she loves the comfort and attention we lavish upon her. During the day, she commands my office space. Come evening, she moves upstairs with me and sleeps in the hall.
This morning a soft autumn rain quenches summer's thirst as I sip a cup of hot chocolate and sit bundled in my favorite robe. Dawn purrs contentedly while I contemplate the changing of seasons.
Our summer was a mean one. Our son Kevin endured three months of illness, surgeries, and pain. We were forced to evacuate from the path of a fire that very nearly devoured everything we owned.
And yet.
Kevin is alive and healing. We learned we can endure more than we would have guessed. During those awful three months, God brought many people into our lives who touched us with their love and great compassion.
Our home and property escaped the fire.
Like Dawn, we are warm, fed, and learning to navigate new horizons as God leads us to trust on a deeper level.
Gratitude anoints each day we are blessed to arise and serve our majestic, compassionate, loving God.
As the leaves outside my window turn to gold, I stroke Dawn's silky fur and hear the whisper of a page turning in my soul. Life is still littered with daily challenges. But God is calling us out of the chaos into His house of abundance and rest.
I glance at Dawn and smile.
Oh, the power of surrender.
Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson
Her Books:
Prisms Caregiving Blog:
Thank you for your inspiring devotional on surrendering to God. Look forward to having you on again, Pam Thorson. May God bless you in all your future endeavors.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Devotional: Learning To Be Content
It's easy to fall into envy. We look at what someone else has and immediately turn green. Yes, green. Green with envy, isn't that how the saying goes? In envy, we may wish we were them or had that thing we think we're lacking. Whatever it is, it causes unsatisfaction in our lives. The other problem with it, is that if we allow envy to grow within our hearts, it'll only get worse. We'll soon be envious of everything. And we won't be able to distinguish our own blessings apart from everyone else's. It can really get that bad in our hearts.
I've fallen into the pit of envy myself. It mainly had to do with when I wasn't doing well. I was distraught and immediately would feel envy when I saw someone doing great. But I soon realized that just because a person looks like they have it all, doesn't mean they don't struggle. Sure. They might be doing well on social media, but that's hardly ever realistic. We usually want to post our best, don't we? We don't want people to see us suffering. We want to put up a good image of ourselves. And I get that. I've done the same thing.
Once I learned that envy only eats away peace, tranquility, and contentment, I learned to let it go. I plucked that green, messy stuff from my heart and gave it to God. I might not be exactly where I want to be, and I wish things were a little different, but I'm content right now. And it's okay to hope for things to be nice in our lives, but we can't allow envy to grow, too. I've since found that contentment comes from accepting the way our lives are. I know that God has placed me on this path for a reason, and I'm going to trust Him.
There have been many verses tied to our health from the Bible, and I found Proverbs 14:30 to be interesting. It's been studied that "a joyful heart" (Proverbs 17:22) does truly affect the body. So, when you're thinking about envy, just remember that it can rot your bones (Proverbs 14:30). Yuck. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want my bones to rot. If you can, like I'm trying to, put envy aside. You don't need it to impact your health for the worse. Just remember that tranquility is the answer, and you'll be on the right path.
Learn to be content with what you have.
"A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot." - Proverbs 14:30 ESV
Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, November 15, 2024
Photo Quests: Stepping Back
Intro: I simply didn't have any time to take photos this week, so I had to take a step back. Instead of posting more present photos for today's quest, I included ones from the past. My quest was to find fitting photos to share with you, my readers. Hope they inspire. 💙
Quest Ending: I enjoyed finding various photos for today's quest, so maybe I'll do more of these in the future. I liked the feeling of choosing which photos I'd share with you. It was fun to try something different. Did you have a favorite photo from this list? Let me know.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Guest Writer: Author Carmen Peone

Guest Writer: Author Carmen Peone
Subject: 10 Ways To Take Your Reader On An Emotional Journey
So, if you don't want to be replaced by someone else, follow these tips.
1. Show, don't tell. I love this quote by Henry Matisse. "I do not literally paint the table, but the emotion it produces upon me." We can do this by showing what our characters do on the page in action and dialogue, and not by telling the reader about it in the narrative.
2. Use active verbs. Would you rather read She roped the calf, or "You dirty bugger, git over here!" Henry, the red-and-white calf Rita Runninghorse had secretly named, darted sideways as she winced at the pain in her sides, gathered her lariat, and tried for another loop. (Broken Bondage, Seven Tine Ranch Romance, Carmen Peone)
3. Use specific nouns. There's a huge difference between a shack, adobe, cabin, and mansion. Or a weathered metal and a glossy oak desk.
4. Incorporate the 5 senses. Have your readers hear the blast of a car horn or the cry of a newborn, see the brilliant rose, feel its soft petals, taste the cinnamon and creamy vanilla in the rolls, and smell the autumn's crisp air.
5. Use metaphors. And use them sparingly. A few examples include:
A picnic on a dock on a quiet, secluded night with only the crickets singing love songs to the couple where they can share their hearts for Romance.
Drop your character in a tornado, hurricane, or wildfire, using action verbs like careen and thundered for Chaos and panic.
You can use the beauty outside to accentuate frustration by placing someone in an office doing paperwork when she'd rather be outside horseback with the other cowhands but can't because she's the CEO of the ranch, making her feel trapped.
6. Use symbols. Your story only needs one. Symbolism can show, the strength of the land or who the character is. It can be a recipe, a wedding dress, a ring, the sun, cowboy boots, or spurs. Here's one from my book Renewed Hope, Seven tine Ranch Romance.
Her eyes lifted to a charcoal sketch that hung on a wall over the bed. An eagle feather, its base a woman with long hair, a red palm painted over her mouth. The fingers ran up one side of her face, the thumb on the other side-the symbol used for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.
7. Snappy dialog and subtext are some of the best tools an author can have. Here's a fun excerpt from Captured Secrets, Sevent Tine Ranch Romance, Carmen Peone.
He dropped his saddle and pad on the floor and slammed the door shut. "You crazy-stubborn-determined-irrational woman! You said you were going on a short ride." She wanted to hurt him or hold him. Anything to calm the terror clawing at her insides. "Stubborn? Irrational? With everything I've been through, the length of my ride is all you're concerned about? You arrogant-cocky-egotistical-" He reached her in two strides, tossed the knife aside, and pulled her into his grasp. "You scared me half to death."
8. Action, action, action! If you want your reader to keep turning pages, drop your characters on the page ten minutes late and have them exit the scene ten minutes early to leave the reader wanting more. It's best to vary the intensity, both the characters and the readers need a break. But keep the tension on every page, even if it's micro.
9. Make sure your character has strong motives and stakes. Stakes drive emotion because they are the WHY behind the main character's motives. What's at stake anyway? A job, love, health, one's reputation? Whatever you choose, make it matter.
10. When in doubt, interview your character. Ask:
What do you think about what just happened?
What are your choices?
What will you do next and why? (Always ask why.)
What is the worst thing that could happen to you right now?
"Strong emotion-so often ducked in real life-must be at the center of your story." - Jack M Bickham, The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
Guest Writer: Author Carmen Peone
Her Books:
Connect with
Sign up for Carmen’s newsletter and
receive The
Lawyer, The Cook, and Their Christmas Wish
as a thank-you gift.
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Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
Get A Book For Free, Leave A Review

I have one Amazon review I'd like to share, written by Erin:
"I was gifted this book and it is beautiful. I am going through a hard time and the daily devotions, poems and prayer are so calming and welcome to my heart right now. The author understands what it is like to feel alone in a dark place. This book comes with a daily poem, devotional, reflection section, and prayer. I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a little love and hope from our God and from someone who has been there."
You can view my book here on Amazon.
If you'd like to leave an Amazon review, too, I'll send you a free copy of my book to read. Just follow the instructions listed above on how to contact me, and I'll get one sent out to you. It's all free. The only thing you have to do is leave an Amazon review (if you need help with this, let me know!) Thank you so much! Book reviews really do help! 💓
Did you like my post today? Be sure to like or follow my Facebook page here for more.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Blog/Life Update: 15,000 Words, My Health, and This Christmas

My health is fine right now. It could be better, though. As for losing weight, I haven't done the best. It's been incredibly difficult to exercise when I don't feel well. I sometimes don't have the energy for it. I know that you can lose weight without exercising, but I also want to have better stamina. To combat this, I've recently started a new exercise where I use a step that I found on Amazon. It's easy in that I can just pull the step out and do 15 minutes of stepping on and off of it. I wind up sweating quite a bit with the step. I don't know if I'll be successful during the holidays with my eating, but I'm going to try to improve with this.
Today, I reached 15,000 words on the first draft of my book - Wandering With Grace. I'm so happy that it's coming along. I should have 60,000 words finished before Christmas (this is the first draft). I didn't mention it in my earlier posts, but I have a subtitle for this book. It's called A Journey of Faith. I'm also going to create the book cover myself like I did with my other book, Butterfly Wings. The book I'm writing right now will have some of my favorite photos in it. There will even be a "photo gallery." I can't wait to share it all with you so that I can take you on God's journey with me. (should be self-published next year.)
For Christmas, it's going to be quiet for the family - which will be nice. The only big thing I have planned is to have a post each day on my blog for advent. That's right. There will be a blog post up each day for December until Christmas Day. For fun, I'll also have two separate giveaways to enter during December, so watch out for both of them. But I'll probably take a short break after Christmas day, however. Then, be back to blogging on the 31st. I'll have a post up for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Those are my plans, anyways. 💓
Did you like my post today? If you'd like to keep up with my posts and updates, be sure to like or follow my Facebook page here. Thank you so much!
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, November 8, 2024
Photo Quests: Finding The Sumac
Intro: Through the week I had it in my head to take pics of the Sumac. It's a tree that turns a bright red during Autumn. I then had some free time to take a walk with my camera, and I found them. They still had color to their leaves, and I was happy to see them. 🍂
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Author Interview: Ida Smith
Ida Smith is the author of four books. Her newest book is Guarding What Remains. She writes stories of people traveling jagged journeys, usually, but not always in a historical setting. Ida lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family where she's traveled her own jagged path with unexpected twists, mountains, and sinkholes.
Author Ida Smith dropped by my blog to do an interview with me today.
Welcome, Ida!
What made you want to write? What was your motivation?
I’ve enjoyed writing ever since I was a kid. As long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to write. I took writing classes in college and experimented with a variety of formats, like articles and devotionals, before falling in love with fiction. I’d say my motivation was a love of the craft and all the different things writers can do, be it poetry, or transport people to another world and time, teach, etc.
What do you love most about writing?
Creating something clever, captivating, emotional, or even funny that I think others will enjoy. You’ve written a couple of books – what did you learn from that whole writing process? That I’m never as organized as I think I am. I would much rather create than prepare—but not preparing and planning wastes time and energy and adds frustration. There’s also always something else you can learn.
I read your latest book, Guarding What Remains, and I really liked it. What was the inspiration behind the theme of your book?
Thank you. I’m always pleased when people enjoy one of my stories.
The inspiration came from stories my parents used to tell. In the early 1950s, my parents lived in a cabin north of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. My mom would sit by an apple tree and read, often finding things like spoons, ice skating blades, and other odds and ends. Neighbors told them that there used to be a large log home and a dairy farm. But during the Great Depression, while the family was out haying, someone broke into their home, took the money they’d been paid for milk and set the home and barn on fire.
It was the Great Depression, and no one had money. They couldn’t afford to rebuild, so they gathered up what remained and moved to Spokane, Washington, a hundred miles away. I originally wrote a short story about the fire and their decision to move to Spokane, making up the characters as I didn’t know any of their names or anything else. After a while, readers began asking, “What happened after they arrived in Spokane?”
“I don’t know,” I said, and started brainstorming. The result is Guarding What Remains.
What was the hardest thing about writing Guarding What Remains?
Making time to work on it. It was a time in my life that was really crazy. I was working and both of my kids had multiple doctor appointments each week. I would get off work, pick them up, and haul my laptop with me to write in the car, in waiting rooms, and in the hospital cafeteria. I was desperate to get writing done.
And the most rewarding?
I’d say, seeing the characters develop and become real people, taking on a life of their own.
Do you have a new book you’re writing? Can you share anything about it with us?
I do. I’m in the process of editing the first book in my new Tabatha Soul Mystery Series called, Soul’s Prey. Tabatha Soul is a young forensic scientist who is starting a brand-new position as a Forensic Investigator in Portland, Oregon. She’ll be working with the Portland Police Department and the Oregon State Crime Lab. It’s a trial position, so she has to prove herself and the position. It’s an uphill battle as her boss at the Crime Lab and many of the detectives think the position is unnecessary. Her first cases involve the murders of a couple drug dealers. The public is glad to be rid of them and thinks her attempt to find their killers is a waste of their tax dollars. I’m also working on a novella prequel for the series that introduces Tabatha to my readers. I plan to give away ebook copies of that to my readers when it’s finished.
There are many great Bible verses out there, but which of these apply to your journey in life?
First, I’d have to say John 17:3, “This is eternal life, that you know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.” This verse focused me on pursuing an intimate relationship with God.
Next, Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” I’ve gone through some very hard times—but God has remained faithful—even after my first husband left and years later, when my son died. God has always been there. I have never been alone. He has always been faithful to me.
Ida, have any closing thoughts, writing tips, or advice to share with us?
Writing can be a very solitary pursuit. It helps to have people encourage you. If you want to write, be willing to learn—no matter where you are on the path. 2024 has been for me a year of learning. Also, be willing to take advice and maintain a stubborn persistence. There are times I get discouraged, have a good cry, then get back at it. It’s not an easy career.
Randomly Fun Questions:
What is your favorite era in history?
I’d have to say pioneering times. There’s something to exploring uncharted or new territory and trying to survive with just your wits and ingenuity that I find fascinating.
If you could meet anyone from the Bible right now, who would it be?
Wow, this one is hard. There are so many interesting people in the Bible. But I would have to say, Jesus. To just watch him interact with people—the disciples, those needing healing, the frustrating religious leaders. To hear his voice and the tone of his voice. When I read the Gospels, I have an image in my mind, but I’m sure it’s not always accurate. It would be cool to get to see his heart, his compassion played out, and also see how he delt with the frustration he sometimes felt. I’m sure there would be a lot to learn.
Do you like cake or pie better?
Both!!! I love frosting, but I also love cherry and pecan pies. I guess it’s a toss-up and whatever I’m in the mood for.
How can my readers best get in contact with you or follow you on social media?
They can visit my website at: or follow me on Facebook here. Or Instagram at: If they enjoy historical fiction and would like to join my Jagged Journeys eZine, they can sign up at: If they enjoy mysteries and thrillers, they can join my New Releases email at:
Thank you for doing this interview with me, Ida.
Grace, thank you for this opportunity to share.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Business Spotlight: Glitter Glitz and Glow
I had met Jennifer on Facebook through her business page. Her business is called Glitter Glitz and Glow. I was curious about what she crafted, so I perused the page. I found all kinds of cool resin art. While looking, I found a couple of things I liked, so I contacted her. That's how we met. I found her talent to create so many unique pieces really awesome! I couldn't help but go back to her page after I had ordered to see what new item she had posted. After my first order, I had contacted her again for more. I was hooked!
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's
I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...

This is my new blog. I've had some in the past, but this one is different. It focuses on the journey we all take because a lot of us wan...
On a lovely Autumn day, I took a drive up to Juliaetta. My plan was to take pictures of the local library there because I wanted to do a spo...
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 1 Intro: Nothing but green all around me. I know it won't last, but at least I get to see the...