Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 15 - Event: Nativity Showcase

One afternoon, I drove to the Nez Perce County Museum. I had a specific purpose - which was to see the nativity showcase. I had gone another year and taken pictures (but this was before my blog). I also wanted to walk the museum, as well, again. Since I didn't get to write about both experiences before, I decided that I would do it. When I walked into the building where the showcase was being held, I was welcomed warmly by the collector - Dr. Dennis Ohrtman. He was really open and friendly. I asked him a couple of questions about his collection. His answer to how many he owns, was that he has over 400 nativity sets. 

While I asked questions, I took pictures of the various sets. Like before, I was struck with the immensity of them. There were so many to look at. I believe that you can't possibly take them all in one visit. I, myself, spent minutes trying to look at various ones. Some stood out more than others. He also had nativities from different countries. There were even sets that he or/and his daughter made. My favorite set from the others was actually one that he made (and possibly his daughter did, too). It's the set that's blue and white (in the photos here). Overall, in my mind, I think it's a wonderful collection - a must see.

After I was done taking pictures, I said goodbye to the collector, Dennis, and stepped out of the building. It was nice to see it all once more. Definitely was a lovely break from my day. Looking through my photos now, I'm reminded of how vast the collection truly is. If you want to do something fun and festive, I recommend seeing this nativity collection. It's going on until January 9th. And you can get tickets for $6.00 at the museum. Members are free. To find out times, visit the website here, get to the nativity showcase banner, and scan the QR code. If you have any questions regarding it, let me know. I'll help you.

I hope to see the collection next year, too. I'll be curious of any new sets. I would also like to thank the museum and Dr. Dennis Ohrtman for putting this together. The nativity sets mean something to me, loving the one that my parents would put out each Christmas. To follow tradition, I had to acquire my own nativity. The nativity, of course, also symbolizes Christ during the holidays. It's a reminder of what He did for us, willing to become a baby, and born into our human world. He gave up so much, just because He loved us - and you, my friend. He loves you. I hope you feel that right now. 💓 The nativity is a love-filled set that brings a sense of Christ's harmony and peace to our hearts. And may you experience that whenever you see one, my wanderer. Truly, a Merry Christmas. With His love. ✨

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...