Saturday, December 21, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 21 - Remembering The Past

*Note* I apologize for the late posts. Things got busy, and I didn't get around to blogging. I'll be finishing up the last posts in the days ahead. There's only a few more left, so I should be done on December 29th. Thank you for waiting to read them! I really appreciate it! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I loved getting to spend time with my family. 💚

The last couple of Christmases, I've been nostalgic. There's one memory in particular that stands out because it was with my Grandma. I remember really well going to her house to decorate for Christmas. We put up her blue lights outside on the house and the bushes in front. She loved the color blue - just like me! I also remember that her favorite candy cane flavor was blueberry. I discovered these from her, and they're still my favorite candy cane flavor. They're harder to find these days. You may get lucky and find some small ones at the Dollar Store, or on Amazon - which is where I got mine. They're truly the best! 💙

I miss her so much. She loved Christmas. She always made sure that I was remembered during this season. She made it special. That's not to say, of course, that I didn't have other family members who made Christmas memories with me. They certainly did. I don't know, she's been on my heart lately. There's a big hole where she used to be. She filled that. And now she's gone. She's been gone for years. I still hold onto the memories and can't help but remember the past with her in it. I loved my Grandma T. I especially remember her during Christmas. It was a joyous time! Really wish I could see her again right now. 💓

From that same day, she gave me a Tom & Jerry Welch's collectible glass. It was vivid in my head. I don't know where that glass went. So, I had to get it. I found it on Ebay for a good price. I was so happy that I found it and relived a Christmas memory tied to her. I haven't used it yet, and I don't know if I will. I think I'll keep it with my other dishes and bring it out each Christmas. I could put candy canes in it, the blueberry ones. I didn't think of that until now, but it's a great idea! I'll do it next Christmas for sure. Yay! 💜

So many beautiful memories with her. She used to record shows and movies on tape for me to watch. One of them was Mrs. Santa Clause with Angela Lansbury. I used to watch it. For this year, I bought it off Ebay. It was a harder and rarer find. I don't even think many people know about it. I watched it tonight with my family, reliving those moments sitting in front of the tv. I remembered every song like it was yesterday. It made me feel happy that I got to share the movie with my family. The movie itself is simple but really enjoyable. I'm so glad I got to add it to my Christmas movie collection. Thank you, Grandma T. 🎄

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. She was an amazing lady! I'm so glad you have all these precious memories of her. It was fun watching a classic Christmas movie after the busyness of the last week. Making new memories!

    1. Yes! I'm so glad, too. Thank you, Mom. It was a lot of fun to share it with you and Dad. Love you!


Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...