Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 25 - A Late Christmas Greeting

Merry Christmas. I realize it's late to wish this greeting to you, but I hope you had a lovely one, or if you're still having celebrations. Me? I'll probably leave my Christmas decorations up for a little while longer. I don't really want Christmas to leave. I'll eventually take them down in January, just not right now. How about you? Are you leaving them up or taking them down? It would be interesting to know what you're doing with them. 💓

My Christmas spent with family members was wonderful. We made new memories together. I got to visit Locomotive Park with my Dad to see the lights. Go out shopping with my Mom. Hand out presents to my niece and nephew. Ate yummy food with my family. Decorated. Sent out cards. It was fun. To be honest, I was really worried about this Christmas. I didn't know how everyone would feel. I wanted it to be comforting for my whole family.

The best gift was ending 2024 in a pleasant way. It was a hard year, and I'm thankful that we got to rest somewhat. And that, my brother wasn't in the hospital. Thank you, God! As we end Christmas, I'm wishing that everyone has been able to rest, and is now ready for the new year. While I'm not anxious to take down decorations, I'm looking forward to 2025. May it be a good year for all of us, and I'm praying many blessings for my readers.

- Grace Thorson

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