Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 3 - What Christmas Means To Me

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 3 - What Christmas Means To Me

Christmas means a lot to me. Ever since I was little, I thought it to be the most magical holiday. It was everything. The lights. The atmosphere. The snow. I loved it all. I was in awe of it as a child, and honestly, I still am. There is just something about it. Seeing family and friends, sharing gifts, and eating home-cooked food are precious during this season. In fact, I hold onto the many memories of time passed. I can fondly look back to when I would look at the ornaments on the tree with rapture. The lights glistening. ✨

When I was young, I enjoyed playing with my ornaments. The tree was their home, a different place from ours. In this special world, the ornaments came alive. I couldn't resist playing with them. I was in my own story, but a Christmas one. Christmas is not about things or gifts, I know, but my love language is gifts. It's not just the gifts or things that are nice; I often tie the love and memory behind the gifts I receive. So, the ornaments have a special meaning to me, and still have, as I miss the people who are no longer with us.

Now, that I'm grown, I obviously don't play with the ornaments. I still like to hang them onto the tree and recount the love I feel from them. I often step back and admire the beauty and unity they create on the tree. It becomes a tree of love. I know that as I age, the more people I'll lose. And taking the time to hang ornaments with them is important. I take in the soft music, the sound of the furnace roaring, the sparkling lights on the tree, and the conversations from nostalgia. This is the place that I feel the most love.

I guess you could say that Christmas brings family and love to me. All the memories. All the growing up. My parents tried to make this holiday something to cherish. They did, and I do. I even decorated my home early this year. I couldn't wait. It brings me joy. I also love to buy gifts for people, and I usually start my shopping in October. I take the time to carefully pick a present for my loved ones. I like to see them open the presents from me. Seeing the pure delight in their eyes brings me both comfort and merriment. It's so fun.

Of course, the true meaning of Christmas is Christ. We celebrate this holiday because of Him. He became a baby, so that we could have His love within us. Love to share with others, whether friend or stranger. Ultimately, He did it because He loves us. And we're supposed to take His love and give it to people. We aren't meant to hoard it. Whatever that love looks like, express it, whether it's an ornament for someone, or making cookies to eat. In any way you can, give love this Christmas. That's what Christmas should mean to us.

That's what Christmas means to me.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. What a great insight into your heart. Tha k you for sharing.

  2. Your heartfelt and beautiful words brought tears to my eyes. I always loved to celebrate the birth of my Deliverance and cherished it even more when you were born just before Christmas. We do have wonderful memories of family celebrations and dinners, and even more at the holidays. Thank you for sharing this poignant and inspiring post.

    1. Thanks, Mom! Yes! I guess that's why I love Christmas so much! We have so many wonderful memories of it.


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