As Christians, we can face harsh persecution from the devil and anyone that considers us as enemies. And of course, the hardships of this world cause strain, as well. Nothing in this life is easy. In fact, no one is given immunity. Not one of us are invincible. But do you know who is? God. When life is deafening, we can depend on Him. Collectively, as one in the faith with other believers, we only grow stronger. Nothing can stop His love from growing.
I gain great encouragement from knowing that God has complete control. He's been here since the beginning of time (and even before). He can do anything, and He won't let His people be defeated. As one, we can never stop. We won't give in to the enemy. The devil can try all he can, but it won't work. Sure, he'll cause havoc, but he's not God. As much as he wants to be, he'll never take over. Christians will only grow, with nothing to stop them.
We're all warriors here. In this battle, all we have to do is love Him, and protect ourselves with His Word. He'll take care of the rest. With His love, we can all grow like an Iris, not even letting the cold destroy us. His warmth is all we need. The devil may try to cause us to wilt. But God is and always will be with us. And as one, we're sure to spread His love to everyone. Our growth cannot be stopped. And even throughout all of time, we're still here.
We remain, and we'll keep going. The world may harm us at times, but we're strong in the Lord. We'll win any battle forged against us. Take this as hope, my friend. God won't let His people be destroyed. In fact, we'll most likely only grow stronger. Together we can make a difference. We can win the war, but we can't do it alone. We need each other. Only then can we win the war against our enemies. And the devil won't ever win. He can't stop us.
We will continue to grow.
"The righteous person will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courtyards of our God" - Psalm 92:12-13 NASB
Do you need prayer? Send me an email at:
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
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