Friday, May 31, 2024

Photo Quests: So Many California Poppies

Photo Quests: So Many California Poppies

Intro: I wandered around the place and found many California Poppies. They're so bright, cheerful, and fun. I enjoy seeing them each year. Bees seem to like them, as well.

Quest Ending: These poppies appear to do nicely here, and they seem to blossom in the same spot each time. I hope you enjoyed this photo quest today. More to come.

Many Blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson
Subject: Hope

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13

I awakened this morning full of hope. It’s always a good day when a highly anticipated package comes. Grounded in an estimated delivery notice for today, I listened in happy expectation for the sound of the delivery truck in my driveway. I nearly danced when it arrived.

Don’t judge me. An order fulfilled, on time, is a thing of joy.

This outcome is never a given, though. Many times, a package will not arrive on time, even when it’s flagged as “out for delivery.” Sometimes, my hopes are dashed when it gets delivered to a wrong address, never arrives, or shows up damaged. Even the most conscientious companies get things wrong. Everybody’s fallible. Everybody except God.

In popular culture, “hope” is a wish.

Sure, it was just a package. Hope is too big a word for it. I was just wishing for my order to arrive, like we wish for good weather. We may even pray to see these-and more serious longings- come to pass and harbor bitterness when they fall to the wayside unfulfilled.

For the believer, hope is our anchor.

How often do I conflate wishing for God to act with putting my trust in Him? Do I “hope” He’ll answer my prayers and love me despite my failures, or do I approach the throne of grace boldly?

Am I eagerly anticipating, or just wishing for, Christ’s soon return and our resurrection?

Biblical hope is grounded in truth and trust. Because of His divine essence, we can know our Creator will always…always… act in our best interests. Wishful thinking is grasping at clouds. Hope in God weathers the storms and rests in the refuge of His promises.

In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil…. - Hebrews 6:17-19

This hope walks on water and dances in the mud. It traverses valleys and mountaintops and smiles at the future. It enters the holy place behind the veil and beholds the face of God.

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson

About the Guest Writer: Pam Thorson is a nurse, author, speaker, and full-time caregiver. She is the owner/admin of a certified family home in Idaho, juggling her official duties with her love of research and writing. She is the author of four books - Song in the Night, Out from the Shadows, Arrow, and Blood Falls. You can find her books on Amazon, as well as Arrow and Blood Falls at bookstore ...And Books, Too! (

Her Books:   


You can connect with Pam Thorson here:

Prisms Caregiving Blog:

Thank you for the wonderful article on hope. Look forward to having you on again.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Blog Update: New Features

New features announced. Not anything too exciting. I mean, I'm excited about it. I think it's always fun to make changes and add fun, new things. I feel like, especially, to a blog. If you're on your phone, you won't see these changes unless you switch over to the web version - which will show up on the bottom of my page (on your phone).  

As for new features, I added a daily Bible verse to the sidebar - which will be updated each day. Be sure to stop by and see what's being shared at that time. There's also a spot for book of the week. This is where I add a book that I enjoyed to the sidebar, as well. It will be changed once a week. (I try to rate the book with a star rating).

You may have noticed that there's a few other stuff. On the sidebar, there's an image for my book, Butterfly Wings (this takes you to Amazon). You can also go to the bookstore ...And Books, Too! ( to order a signed copy. As well as that, there's my Mom's newest book, Blood Falls. Once again, if you click on it, it takes you to Amazon. It can also be ordered through the bookstore. Below that, is my brother's Christian music website CMADDICT. If you enjoy Christian music, you'll love his site. I forgot to mention that there's an image that shows my Facebook page for this blog. You can visit it here.

If you don't want to miss my posts, be sure to follow my blog. To do that, you need to find the fellow wanderers button on the sidebar. You can follow using your Google account. Thank you! As time moves on, I may add more features to the sidebar, but for right now it's good. If you think I should add anything else, let me know by leaving a comment. Greatly appreciate it. Hope you like the new features. Follow along for more posts, and stuff like this. Exciting stuff ahead! Can't wait to share everything!!

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day: We Can Never Forget


"Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends." 
John 15:13 NASB

Sunday, May 26, 2024

First Post: Welcome Travelers

This is my new blog. I've had some in the past, but this one is different. It focuses on the journey we all take because a lot of us wander. We may have an idea of what our goal or end will be like, and yet, we still wander. Life takes us on an unpredictable path. You'll never know where it will take you. I've gone down some that I never expected. The only thing we need to remember is where we want to end up. With God, preferably.

So, my blog is set up a certain way for each week. Mondays are for writing whatever I feel led to share. Tuesdays can be anything. Wednesdays are wordless, so a photo will take precedence then. Thursdays are for book reviews, author interviews, spotlights, and such. Fridays are photo quests, where there'll be photos and writing involved. Saturdays are whatever inspiration hits me with. Sundays are my wandering posts about God and life. They may even involve a devotional. In fact, they will. Expect a devo each Sunday.

The pages at the top are simple. There's home where the blog posts are at. About The Wanderer is a bio and mentions my current projects. My books page is where my first book. Butterfly Wings, is at. There's a link that takes you directly to Amazon for paperback or kindle. It's also at the bookstore ...And Books, Too! ( I plan on adding more books as time wears on. (Like, The White Heron and The Clearwater Creeper). The contact me is where you can send me an e-mail or follow me on Facebook.

The point of my blog is to encourage, inspire, and bring a sense of comfort. You can relax, sip some tea, and peruse my writing. Feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, or even, send me an e-mail. I want to make note that if you're an author, feel free to send me a message about setting something up. I'm open to reviews, interviews, book/author spotlights, giveaways, and even articles. I used to do this on a popular book blog I had many years ago, so I'm no stranger to it. So, thank you! I look forward to hosting you.

At the moment, I'm currently wandering. I know where I'm going to end up, so I have no worries about that. The wandering part is an adventure. Anything could happen - the good or the bad. I've had both, most of us do. However, I do have God which makes traveling in life easier. I honestly couldn't go on without Him. I've done some things I regret when I wasn't relying on Him. It got me in a whole lot of mess. I don't recommend it. I try now to focus on Him and pray before making a decision. It's amazing how that clears things up. 

Inspired by my past and future, I started Wandering With Grace. I hope you'll join me as we take on life together. You're my friend, even though I may not know you. Truly! I call so many that. You're welcome here, fellow traveler. Please, enjoy, if you like my content. Don't forget to share so that people can follow along. There will be more to come, so please hang around. (please, follow me on my blog, too - much thanks).

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...