Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An Arboretum Adventure: Part 1

My adventure started early in the morning on Sunday. I woke up at 6:00 AM. Ate breakfast, got ready, and made my drive towards town. I charged my camera battery the day before so that it would be ready. I also had in my head what I would wear, and etc. When I reached a certain point while driving, I drove up the hill to Moscow. It was a beautiful drive. There were hardly any other drivers on the road, so it really was pleasant. The sun was also shining bright. After a forty-five-minute drive, I made my way into Moscow. My wonderful friend, Jolene, picked me up at the A&W, so that I could ride with her. Didn't know my way around, so it was so kind of her to do that for me. Thank you, Jolene!

She took me to the Moscow Arboretum & Botanical Garden. Right away, I could tell it was a path that would lead to a beautiful area. Taking out my camera, I began to shoot photos. My friend was so patient as I paused every so often to take a shot. I tend to do that a lot. We walked down the path that led into the arboretum. Talking about life, we enjoyed the many flowers and trees that were close to the path. There were also cool benches with quotes on them. One of them had a Bible verse. I can't remember all the different plants we encountered along the way, but there were many amazing specimens. We took it all in.

We weren't the only ones in the arboretum. There were couples, and people alone enjoying the walk. We stopped next to a bench that was near some water. We each had a few photos taken of us sitting on them. So happy! My favorite thing about the arboretum are the very unique plants found there. Some that I had never heard of before or even seen. I'm a plant lover. Okay, I'm kind of obsessed. I may not be the best at taking care of them inside, but I have an inner fondness for them, including trees. They're magical, ethereal, and full of wisdom. They never cease to bring me happiness, and I have an appreciation for them. 

There were sections of the arboretum that were different parts of the world. I found this fascinating. I thought all of them were neat in their own way, but the Asia one was pretty cool. With benches in each section, some artistic formations, and places to take pictures, there was much to enjoy. The whole arboretum itself wasn't super large, but it was just right, nestled next to a golf course. As we continued our walk, we found numerous things to talk about. It was the perfect place to reflect on life. Something so peaceful about nature. It heals the soul and opens communication. I love every bit of it.

The flowers were gorgeous. So many that I didn't recognize. Some were oddly shaped. Some were unique. All of them a beauty to behold. The arboretum itself appeared to be well taken care of. Green grass, trees, and water were all managed with care. Of course, there's the occasional dry spots, but that's expected with Idaho's summers. I don't know myself if I had any favorites while on our walk. Some did stand out, though. Jolene and I kept walking on the path till we got to a section that kind of veered off. It took us to some Hostas. I'm pretty sure my Mom has a few of these or did have some. Cool plants!

The Hostas were huge. It felt like I was in a jungle. I don't know if Hostas exist in jungles, but maybe they should! Being surrounded by them was a curious feeling. They appear dense and large. After we stepped past these awesome plants, we walked on by more flowers and trees. In the end here, I didn't post every photo I took of the arboretum, but I tried to include at least some of them. There was much to see and explore. One could definitely come back and traverse the area. I could also see how people would like to get their pictures taken there for certain events. It's absolutely fun and memorable.

When we neared the end of the loop around that we took, we walked past a red barn. It led us to the parking lot. We both got into the car and took off down the road from the arboretum. Our next stop was at a garden down the road a couple of miles. I had never heard of it but knew that it had lovely flowers. You could cut flowers and fill up your bucket with them. This meant that you could get your own bouquet that someone else grew near their own home. This part will be told in a part 2 of this adventure. The post will be next week, so be sure to come back for that last bit of my journey. If you liked my post, follow me here on Blogger or like my Facebook page here. Thanks! And thanks, my friend!

Many Blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. I did have hostas, but they kept disappearing. I finally realized the deer were eating them.


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