Monday, June 3, 2024

Bookstore Spotlight: ...And Books, Too!

Bookstore: ...And Books, Too!
Owner: Judi Wutzke

I've worked at the bookstore ...And Books, Too! for two years. It's been my favorite job. I'm surrounded by books and the people that love them. I also enjoy being able to assist the customers in finding the right book to read. I'm just so grateful for this place. It's so warm, inviting, and peaceful. And lots of fun! I couldn't be happier with my job, and I hope to work there for many more years to come. It's truly a blessing.

The owner, Judi Wutzke, is amazing. I love working with her and being able to assist in the growth of the store. She's devoted to the community in all that she does. Judi looks after the people that come to her store. Everyone is welcome! The bookstore is really a big part of this place in Washington. It's a hidden gem that many people often discover.

The bookstore houses many books. There are genres from history, mystery, romantic suspense to a humor section. We have used and new, so we have a lot to choose. Paperback to hardcover, we really do have the variety. Our books are also in an inventory system. If you're looking for a particular book, we can check our inventory to see if we have it. The books are arranged in alphabetical order on the shelves to make it easier to find them.

Inside the store you can find gifts, too, so it's not just books. We have cards, postcards, tea, puzzles, journals, magnets, ornaments, socks, scarves, and much more. You're bound to find something you like, or to give as a gift. It's so wonderful to look at the items and collect them for your home (we have decor!). It's the perfect place to find a birthday, Christmas, or for any holiday, as a gift. We offer gift cards, as well.

Usually, on some Saturdays, we have book signings. Authors come to the store for books signings, to talk, and take pictures. We have them whenever we can, and this list can be found at our website: We hand out a list of them at the front counter, too. It's fun to either work or visit the store during a signing. I like meeting the authors and buying their books. *Note* If you're not able to attend a signing, we can always set aside their signed book for you. Just call ahead, and we'll take care of it for you.

Our bookstore has a service that we offer. If you bring in your books, and we keep them to sell on the shelves, you receive credit. This credit can be used to lower the price on used paperback books that you'd like to purchase. It's a great way to bring in your books and get some credit for them. A lot of people use this to buy their favorite kinds of books. Besides that, we donate books, too, so most books find a home. It's so rewarding.

...And Books, Too gives back to the community, and reaches far in doing so. We often get involved with local events and do things during the holidays. As mentioned before, we donate books. We like to help our local town thrive. And there's just something special about this bookstore. We like to be sure that everyone is involved and welcomed there. It's a place that you can sit down, read through a book, and take it slow. There's no rush.

If you ever stop by the store, be sure to say, "hello." I'll assist you in the best way that I can. I'm there to find you books, order books, and take in your books. It'll be fun to meet you, so please visit ...And Books, Too - yourself, or with your family, or friends. Here's how you can contact us: See you all there! Thanks, again.

Thanks for stopping and for reading this post. I like to spotlight different businesses, restaurants, museums, and more. I just had to make the bookstore my first spotlight on this blog. I love it so much! I'd like to also thank the owner for being the best person to work with. So, if you enjoyed this post, can you think of another place that I shout visit? Just leave a comment and be sure to follow my blog so you don't miss anything.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. Great post, Grace. ... And Books, Too reminds me of the lovely bookstore in the classic movie You've Got Mail. I love just taking in the ambiance of the place. Love the owners, too!


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