Sunday, June 16, 2024

Devotional: Beeee Happy

We all go through hardship. Some more than others, but experiencing sadness is something we all must face. Depression itself is a dark place to be. It's not only sadness, however. It's darker than that. I, myself, went through a time where I felt like I was in a room without much light. Today, life can still be hard, but I've chosen to let that light in as much as I possibly can. We may even be in a place that is desperate. In that case, a positive word may not help. Depression can be clinical. I don't believe we can't just get over it.

In the darkness I was in, not a lot helped. Now, I've found myself in a good place. I still struggle, as we all do, in our own ways. And I deal with sadness, and mostly, anxiety. I have anxiety about everything. It's tiring. But I digress, in that darkness I grasped for any hope I could. It appeared so far away. Like, something I struggled to touch. It was not within reach. I looked for guidance, reassurance, and lastly, hope. I couldn't see any.

At the end of a phone call, I would ask my parents for advice. My Dad had two words he would tell me that stood out to me. He would say, "be happy." It was more like, "beeee happy." He would say them with a sunny tone. It also bolstered my heart, because it was something my Grandma would often say. In fact, he got it from her. For me, I knew that things would, or could, still be hard. But, hearing him say those particular words brought both encouragement and joy. I needed that connection.

I knew he wanted me to be happy. That was enough hope for me. I had to fight. I had to fight for what I could, and I'm still fighting. I don't know what the future holds for any of us. But I know that God wishes for us to be happy. That, my parents wish for the same thing. I even got a keychain for my collection that says "bee happy" on it. You know, like a bee. It was a reminder of those words. I'm not saying that two words can change your life completely, but they sure can help. This Father's Day, I'd like to thank my Dad for always supporting me and for giving me advice. I hold those two words close to my heart.

Be Happy.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. So, I'm crying. It has been so hard to watch you suffer, and it has been miraculous to see you lean into God through it all. You HAVE found the light, and His light shines through you. You inspire me every day! Thank you for posting this, and thank you for being Grace. BTW, I can always use prayer!

    1. Thank you, Mom! I love you. Yes, you're in my daily prayers:)


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