Monday, June 17, 2024

A Day In My Life: Part 1

I started my day with the sound of my phone alarm going off. My cat appeared ready for me to wake up. He usually does. I stumbled out of bed and fed him breakfast. (I need to make my bed each day!) Gave him a few treats, as well (Temptations are his favorite). Every morning, I take my meds, vitamins, and supplements. I also post to social media in the mornings. I had breakfast. Then, I helped my brother. Getting settled; I made coffee to drink in my new cup (that I ordered from Amazon). I thought it was pretty neat. With my coffee in my hand, I played an online game on my phone. I usually play it each day, or at least, try to. I love routine. I love a schedule. It may seem boring, but it works for me.

Once I'm done playing my game, I spend some time with God. I read some devotionals, write down my thoughts, and pray. Then, playtime with Kenji - my cat. I run around with him, play with toys, brush him, and feed him a Churu lickable treat (he's obsessed with these!). He always looks forward to all of this. I enjoy getting to spend my mornings with him. He's the sweetest kitty. If I get him a new toy, he starts purring. I love my big boy!

After those things were done, I spent ten minutes (or fifteen) in meditation. I often close my eyes and sit down on a cushion in my office. I play some gentle music and try to keep my mind blank. I do pray while I meditate. It's a nice refresher for the day, and it puts me in the right mindset. I try to not do anything too different when I meditate. I do replay in my head positive words to prepare myself. For instance, I'll think I'm strong. I'm capable. I'll do well at work. I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking these thoughts. You should say positive words to yourself. To, you know, have a great day.

I spotted a sweet note from my Dad on the kitchen counter. I got ready for work - cleaned up. Stopped by Starbucks and got a venti iced white chocolate mocha (my most favorite!). Thanks, Dad! Went to work at the bookstore. I enjoy my job so much. Being around books is fun. I also like being able to help people find a book they're looking for. I'll look around myself and think about the gifts and books while I'm working. It's hard not to shop. Books can be ordered, as well. So, if you're looking for something special, I can help you with that. The day went well at work. I drove home, and immediately ate lunch.

I stepped outside and snapped a fast picture of the cone flowers that had just recently bloomed. I helped with my brother in the afternoon and evening. When it was time to head out to my place, I took a quick picture of the sky. It was a smokey day, but was extremely good, overall. In the evenings, I usually read a book or watch something like Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch on Discovery+. I also spend some time blogging and writing. It was a full day, and I like having a schedule. Otherwise, I can get bored. Plus, it keeps me disciplined.

I read somewhere, people that keep a routine are happier. I believe it, because it helps me through my day. I often stay focused, disciplined, and in control. Not having any sense of direction for my day makes me feel lost. That's why I have a schedule for each day. I feel less together if I don't have direction. I just have to be doing something. Now, this might not apply to everyone. But it makes sense to me. I just know I'm more content. Hope you enjoyed this day in my life. I'm doing more of them in the near future. Goodbye!

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. That is a lot to do! It's awesome you have found what works for you. I have a theory that people are built with an inner metronome. There is a beat and rhythm to our lives, and we are much happier when we find that rhythm and move in it. For some, the beat is fast and driving. For others, it flows softly, like the strings of an orchestra. We live fully when we listen to the heartbeat of God filling our souls.

    1. Yeah, I've tried to keep a schedule that I follow. Lately, I haven't been doing as well. But I'm trying. Thanks, Mom!

  2. I also find rhythm and routine very helpful in my daily life. It can take a lot of self-talk to get through when that rhythm and routine are rudely interrupted…or even graciously asked to flex. I think to myself “wow, I’m really high-maintenance”. But that time time spent nourishing and cherishing my relationship with God (and being nourished and cherished by Him) and then nourishing and cherishing my own body prepares and energizes me to go out into the world to nourish and cherish those I am called to. I love the words “nourish” and “Cherish” right now….can ya tell? They come from Ephesians 5:29, referring to how Christ nourishes and cherishes the church. Rhythm and routine…cycles and patterns and seasons….yup, I think we are designed for it! Let’s listen intently to the rhythm of God’s heart and align our own accordingly!
    Your daily life has some simply sweet moments of love shared, helps given and meaningful work….and peaceful rest. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's comforting to have a schedule, isn't it? I try to have a list of things I do each day, and it helps so much with anxiety. Thank you, Jolene! You're a wonderful friend!


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