Sunday, June 9, 2024

Devotional: Don't Be Someone Else

We all seem to find ourselves in the same comparison as others. We may look at someone and think they have everything together. They just appear perfect. However, social media has become a place to seek constant validation. If we don't get enough interest in our posts (especially as an artist or author), we become depressed. We wonder if we should stop writing, taking photographs, or creating art. Initially, we want to give up.

Don't stop what you're doing. We might take a break from social media, and that's okay, but don't give up. I know that getting views, likes, or comments are really nice, but it's just not everything. Be yourself. Post what you want, say what you want, and then truly don't worry about what others think. If they don't respond, don't take it personally. Just keep going.

I know it's not easy to ignore feelings of comparison. We all do it. We may not admit that, but we all do it. We all want to be liked. Some of us may be more prone to this, but like I said, it's common. It's normal to do this. We have to remember, though, that God loves us the way we are. He didn't put us on this earth to be like someone else.

God loves you. Yes, you. He knows you struggle. He knows your life isn't perfect. He doesn't care about that. No one can be perfect. Only God is. We only have to be ourselves. And don't worry so much. Just place yourself in God's hands. All you have to do is things that glorify God. Focus on Him. Life isn't about being accepted and praised by the world. 

Don't be someone else.

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." - Colossians 3:17 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

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