Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Website Spotlight: CMADDICT

My brother has a Christian music website called CMADDICT. It's a place for all kinds of Christian music. Pop, rock, contemporary, etc. On the site, you can find news, interviews, music videos, articles, free music, and more. I especially recommend checking out the site's playlists on Spotify. They're really popular, and they've got great music. My brother has done a fantastic job of putting the playlists together. I love listening to them.

CMADDICT has been around for a while. I remember when it first started. I was a contributor in the beginning stages. I then became assistant editor. I wrote reviews and interviews for it. With my brother, I plan on being a contributor again. I'll be writing album reviews for the site. They won't be posted here, but I'll provide a link to the reviews on the right sidebar of my blog. If you like my Facebook page, you can find a future link posted there, as well. I plan on signing up for Spotify to listen to the newest Christian music, so that I can review them. I'm really looking forward to it. Going to be awesome.

My brother has a disability, but that doesn't stop him. He manages the site himself, and he does everything. He inspires me with the hard work he puts into his site. He's talked with numerous Chrisitan artists. He even made a connection for me to interview Rebecca St. James. I remember being so nervous about it. It was one of my first interviews done over the phone with someone. I'm so thankful that I got the chance to talk with different people. It was a fun and exciting time. I'm eager to get back to writing reviews again.

Kevin is my older brother. He goes through so much each day, but he doesn't complain. He works on his site and helps new artists with their music. I've added a little of his bio below here. You can find the rest of it on cmaddict.com. "I was nineteen when I broke my neck in Canada. At the time I was diagnosed with a C2 complete spinal cord injury which meant I had nothing. I couldn't move, breathe or anything. All I could do is blink. The doctor there was sure to inform my parents that I would never again regain anything."

I hope you were inspired today by my brother. He's brave, humble, and strong. His work on CMADDICT is so cool, and that he is also able to help other artists in the music field. If you like Christian music, go visit his site. Be sure to check out his Spotify playlists, too. There's some amazing music there. Thank you, everyone! Enjoy the music! Find the playlists here.

Website: cmaddict.com
Facebook Page: CMADDICT Official
Twitter: @CMADDICT
Instagram: cmaddict
Spotify: CMADDICT.com

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. Wow. Great spotlight, Grace!! Look forward to seeing you on CMADDICT.com!

  2. Grace, you are amazing, and Kevin is a living, breathing testimonial to what faith and God’s love will do . I am so proud to have you all as family


Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...