Monday, August 12, 2024

An Arboretum Adventure: Part 2

Part 2 of the Arboretum Adventure is late, and I'm sorry for that. Life has been busy in a lot of ways, and I didn't get this post finished as early as I wanted to. On our last post, we had just left the arboretum. We stepped into my friend's car, and we took off from the parking lot. We drove down a well-worn, but paved road. It was quite the drive, and I had no idea where we were at. This road was an adventure itself. I loved that mystery about it. Coming across some canola fields to our side, we stopped the car. Jolene asked if I wanted to take photos of them. Yes, they were beautiful. We got out of the car, and I took a few photos of the fields. Jolene got one of me. After that, we continued our journey.

We arrived at Stratton's Cutting Garden. It's a place that you can pick your own flowers to create a bouquet. I had never heard of this hidden gem. We got out of our mode of trusted transportation and walked up to a huge garden. There were so many flowers everywhere. We weren't sure, however, if we should pick some. Either we were too early for flowers, or if too many had been picked over, since there wasn't much. We decided against it, but I got some lovely photos. We also sat down on a bench and had a deep talk about life. It was so peaceful. There's just something about nature that speaks to our souls. 

Before we sat down, we explored the garden. We chatted with the owner/gardener as she sat in the shade. Admiring the landscape, Jolene mentioned a shed that was sitting off to the side. It looked quaint as it sat there. I took a photo of it, and we walked some more among the many wonderful specimens around us. I couldn't name most of them. I knew they had names, and wished I was more experienced with their identification. Perhaps someday, I'll be a wizard of plants. I love them so much, although, I'm sure you've already noticed that. I'm surrounded by plant lovers, as well. They understand.

I stayed a little, and then said goodbye to the pleasant woman. We both got into the car and took off down the gravel road. I hadn't gotten a picture of the sign (the photo up above), so I hopped out and took one. We proceeded down the road and couldn't help noticing an amazing barn. Such a building to find in what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. It definitely stood out. We pulled aside, and I got out with my Canon camera. Unfortunately, I didn't have my other lens with me, so I couldn't zoom in as far. I did get a decent photo of it, and I may need to be back for more. I'm hoping to find more barns.

We drove away from the barn and followed the road back to Moscow. It was a nice drive past fields and farmhouses. When we got to town, Jolene got me an iced coffee. My friend is incredibly kind. With the coffee in my hand, we headed to her place. I had never seen it, so that was very welcoming of her. I met a friend of hers, and we chatted at Jolene's place. The coffee and company were so enjoyable. Some time passed, and it was then time to leave. I said goodbye to Jolene and got into my car. Ate lunch at A&W before my drive back home - which the food was super yummy. Looking back on my visit, it was so encouraging. I felt like life seemed a bit more normal again - which made my heart soar.

I drove towards home and stopped at a pull-off on the hill that I was driving down. The view was spectacular as it usually was. I got some satisfactory photos of it and went on my way. When I got home, I rested from the adventure I had that day. Posted some photos, and just relaxed. It was a memorable trip, and I hope to have more adventures with my friend. Thank you, Jolene, for showing me around Moscow! I hope for another visit really soon. 

Hello, Reader. Be sure to check out the arboretum yourself, and the Stratton's Cutting Garden up in Moscow, Idaho. Both were fun, and I highly recommend them.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

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