Monday, August 19, 2024

Blog Update: Taking A Few Days Off

I'm taking a few days off. Kind of like a break. I just won't be on as much until things settle in my life. To get more into detail, a family member is having surgery. I want to be present to help them out, and not have to worry about blogging. There'll still be a post for this Wednesday, because it's an easy one to do. I also won't be posting anything on Facebook except a link to my blog post for today and Wednesday. This won't mean, however, that I'll not be writing or coming up with ideas. It's just that I won't be doing much in the time being. Once the surgery is completed, and my family member is healing well, I'll be back.

While I help my family, I'll still be working on my book. I don't want to stop writing, as I have my own deadline set for it. I find time to write 500 words each day. I usually enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while I write. A lit candle usually is by my side, as well. My ultimate plan for the book is to be finished with the rough draft before Christmas. It's a discipline that I want to keep up. I feel like I need to write this book. It's called Wandering with Grace. I already blogged about it and what it's focus is. You can read more on it here. 

The book, Wandering with Grace, is going well. I'm writing stories, the history behind my photos, and placing a gallery that would be within the middle of the book. I'm hoping to have it self-published next year. Any spare time that I have, I'm also working on my other project - which is the White Heron. I don't know if both will be finished next year, but that would be awesome if it came true. I have many ideas that can't get finished soon enough. But I tell myself, they'll get done. I just have to be consistent. My next project after the Wandering with Grace and White Heron, is another book. Imagine that! But I don't want to give out too much info on what's next on the horizon. It's just really exciting.

Thanks for being a reader of my blog. I enjoy sharing my life journey with everyone. I don't know if people like it, but I look forward to writing my excitement for things. I just don't want anyone to get tired of reading about the books I'm working on. I'm eager, and I hope people are somewhat that way, too. I have to be patient, however, and that's a tough one for me. I want to finish my books now, but it takes discipline, hard work, and a strong focus to get them all done. I honestly don't know what's down the road from here, but I'm so determined and stubborn to get my projects completed. So, yeah, there's much to do in the next months ahead. Within that time, I pray that my writing encourages, inspires, and brings a sense of love to you. Thank you so much! (Could you pray for my family member?)

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

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Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance