Monday, September 30, 2024

Bookstore Spotlight: Brused Books

Once we left the Artisans of the Dahmen Barn, we drove to Pullman. We parked in a lot not far from Brused Books. Before we visited the bookstore, I had lunch at Rancho Viejo (it was good). We walked out of it and headed to the bookstore. I had heard of this bookstore from a customer that came to where I work (which is ...And Books, Too!) I knew I had to see it, so I was excited when my friend mentioned going there. It's no surprise that I really love bookstores. I find that each one is always unique. With my eagerness brewing, we stopped outside the building where I took pictures of its exterior. With that, we then stepped in.

Brused Books has a variety of books. It's packed with them. I felt lost within the vortex with so many choices to pick out. I didn't know where to start. I stopped at a shelf that had manga, but didn't find anything there so I preceded on. My friend had a section that she was interested in, so I ventured past the bookcases. I halted before one lone bookshelf. It was children's or youth's classics. I browsed them and found two that I was immediately drawn to. But at first, I wasn't sure if I wanted them. I turned around and asked my friend if they had Christian fiction. She said that they should, so I searched for that.

Once I found my target, I walked in between the bookshelves to find Christian fiction. They had many books, but two caught my eye. First, was The Carousel Painter by Judith Miller. It happens to be one of my favorite books, but surprisingly I didn't have a copy. So, yes, I gladly grabbed it. The other one was The Water Keeper (in hardback) by Charles Martin. I had wanted a copy so badly, so naturally that found its place with my arms, as well. I then returned to the classics where I pulled out those same two books I had spotted earlier. They just had to join my other two books. They were both Marguerite Henry books.

One of them by her was Misty of Chincoteague. It was one of my favorite books growing up. I was at that point obsessed with horses. I did have a copy, but I don't know where it went. I also had a copy of King of the Wind somewhere. Since I didn't know where they were at, I couldn't resist getting these two hardcover copies from the bookstore. With the four books in my arms, I was satisfied with my selections. My friend had found something, too. We both then headed to the front desk. I paid for my four books, and my friend did for hers. After purchasing, we left the store, but not before I took one last photo. It was fun.

The bookstore marked our end to the wonderful day we had together. My friend has such a beautiful soul, and I enjoy going on these little adventures with her. I hope to do more in the days ahead. At the time, I said goodbye to her and drove back to town. There was one thing missing, however. It happened to be the first day of Autumn, so I had to pick up some pumpkins for me and my Mom. I plan on carving one of them for Halloween. All in all, it was such an awesome day, and it was the perfect way to welcome Autumn. I don't know what my plans for Moscow and Pullman will be next time, but I look forward to them.

I definitely recommend checking out Brused Books if you're in Pullman. 

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

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Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance