Friday, September 27, 2024

Photo Quests: Searching For Flowers

 Photo Quests: Searching For Flowers

Intro: It's now Autumn. I started off searching for leaves, but I found flowers, as well.
From the few flowers still in bloom, I captured what I could. I knew that soon most
will be gone as the weather cools. I'll miss them as they say their goodbyes.

Quest Ending: My favorite season is Autumn, however, I'm always sad to see the flowers
leave. I love taking photos of them to preserve their beauty that they give us. I'm sure
as they disappear, we'll be offered another beauty in the turning of the leaves.


  1. You captured the beauty of all the flowers. Great job Grace. You did a wonderful job and thanks for sharing. God bless you and enjoy this fall weather.


Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance