Sunday, September 8, 2024

Devotional: Laugh At Fear

Most of us face fear. Our circumstances could be different, but the same feeling is shared. It's that sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs. Even our heartbeats speed rapidly, not slowing down. We can also pace because our minds are frantic with worry. I've experienced fear, too. Too great, actually. Fear is unfortunately powerful and can make us act so desperate. Once it grabs hold of your mind, it's hard to shake off. And when fear takes over, anxiety begins to grow within us. It can cause stress, and even health problems. Our fears begin to take its toll on our bodies and heart, actually weighing us down.

What's the antidote? I wish I knew what the ultimate cure was. Fear is something that probably can't be taken out of our lives completely. It'll probably always be there, deep within us. I know. That doesn't sound too encouraging. There are, however, some things we can do to fight it. Instead of allowing fear complete control of our lives, we can find solace, bravery, and love. But the most ultimate way to fight it, is to laugh. Yes, laugh. If you can stand tall and laugh in the face of fear, you've eased some of its hold on you. Just show fear that it has now power over you. That, it has no say in your life.

Laugh. Laugh because you know that Jesus is with you. Fear can't defeat Him. And it won't defeat you. Yes, fear will always be there. It won't forever leave, but you've got what you need to fight it. You've got Christ, and He's your safe place amidst those dark storms. In fact, with Him, you can challenge anything. Fear might be right in your face, and you know what you can do? You can laugh at it. Whether it be a little chuckle, or a hearty one, it doesn't matter. It has the same freedom either way. You'll see. Laughter will loosen those chains that fear has restrained us in. I promise you'll feel lighter.

I still deal with fear. I know it's there, and it's a struggle. I remember. Jesus is with me, and I can laugh at it with Him. Honestly, though, fear is a huge struggle for me, so I suffer from it daily. To combat this, I got a bracelet that has a cross beaded within it. It's my reminder to laugh at fear. I wear it as often as I can. If you deal with fear, too, I suggest doing the same thing. I love that Jesus gives us His Word, and tools to use for the fear in our lives. Laughter just happens to be one of them. I know that when fear comes around, I'm going to keep laughing, because I know that Christ has me. And He has you, as well, my friend.

Laugh at the future, and what may come of it.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." - Proverbs 31:25 NLT

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. I needed this today. Who knew? I’ll face fear with a chuckle from now on!

    1. I'm so glad it encouraged you! Indeed, laughing can truly help with fear. I've used it myself here and there!

  2. Very heartfelt and beautiful, Grace. Knowing Christ has won the victory helps us to see beyond today's trials. Contemplating all God has done for us, and how much He loves us really helps me get through the hard days. As your grandpa used to say, "This too shall pass." We're headed to glory!! We're going to live forever! Everything we go through here is fleeting. Like the Psalmist says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." (Psalm 23:5) God's love does that. We can eat as His table without fear. Halleluiah!

    1. Yes!! Exactly! Thank you, Mom, for your wonderful comments. They always inspire me!


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