Sunday, October 13, 2024

Devotional: Receiving His Grace

Grace. It's what we don't deserve but are given anyways. It's obviously my first name, but somehow, I've never been able to comprehend it. I've gone my whole life being extremely hard on myself, and I was confused at what grace even meant. I would compare it to mercy, but it's not the same thing. So usually, I wouldn't give grace to myself. I've done many things I'm not happy about, so I didn't and still don't think I deserve it. I've gone my whole life this way. What is even grace? I would think, but I would learn to understand it.

God's grace is beautiful. It's just so amazing. He gives us what we don't deserve. We're sinful creatures, so do we really deserve grace? God thinks so, and I'm so glad He does. Unfortunately, I've noticed that in today's society, grace isn't practiced much. Only God appears to be the gift bearer of this wonderful gift. We can be so hard on others, and ourselves, that we forget to be full of grace to the world. God gives us grace, so naturally we should gift it to people, too. Let's make grace popular again.

Like I mentioned above, I think it's interesting that even though my name is Grace, I've never really understood it. But He's often reminded me of his vast grace. It covers my multitude of sins. I truly don't deserve His grace, but I'm so overjoyed that He gives it to me. It really is like a gift that is wrapped in love and finished with a bow of joy. I eagerly wait for it when He gives it to me. Kind of like a kid on Christmas morning, I always look forward to His gifts. They're the best kind, especially when it's grace. I thank God for grace in my life, and I hope to share it with those that need it in their lives.

So, when you're in not a good place, just remember God's grace. It's there, and He's always willing to give it to you. And God's grace is all we need. We can survive on just that, and His love for us. We have an enemy that, however, doesn't want us to receive grace. He'll fight to keep you from accepting God's grace. He did that in my life, and I'm certain he'll keep at it. We just have to remember that Satan can't keep you from receiving it, though. You'll be able to open that precious gift as soon as you realize it. In other words, grace isn't going anywhere. God is there waiting to give it to you - that amazing grace.

Receive His grace today.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance