Sunday, October 20, 2024

Devotional: God Is Protecting Us

In this world, I feel vulnerable. I know that in the spiritual side of it, there's battles being waged. Battles we can't see but are real. And me? I just deal with a lot of anxiety. Anxiety about everything. In fact, I pray for protection when I get into my car. I know that only God can protect me, so I pray often for it. This doesn't mean that something bad won't happen. When we go out from within our home (our safe place), anything could happen. That's why I like to be prepared with prayer. God hears my prayers, and that provides me with peace.

Knowing that God is always with me, gives me courage. It helps me face my fears even when I feel alone. This doesn't make us invincible, but it gives us strength. I mean, God is also stronger than any foe. He can protect us from anything. The part I love the most about this is that God will protect my heart and your heart. Your soul is secure in Him. It's not going to leave you. He's with you wherever you go, and He has a place provided for you in Heaven. You're going to be okay. I'm going to be okay. It's just the fear that rises within us.

I've written about fear before in a devotional (you can read it here). It can stop us from many things. I decided for myself that I wasn't going to let it control me. Sure. I'll have anxiety. But I'll press on. It doesn't matter how hard life gets; I'll keep going. I've tried to give up before, and I'm determined to fight that fear this time. In the past, I was really focused on fear that I didn't see. I didn't see the light. I wasn't alone. I was never alone. Looking back, I can see God working through my past. Since then, I've tried to give God my fears, anxieties, and worries. They're too heavy for me to carry, and I need the rest.

If you're feeling burdened, give God your fears. Mine are too heavy for me on this journey, so that's why I'm trying to hand them over. Of course, this is hard to do. We kind of want to hang onto them, don't we? However, I've learned this doesn't ease anything in my life. I have to hand them over. I'm tired. But God is strong. He'll take them off our backs easily. I feel free when I give them to Him. I also know that God will watch over me, so I don't have to worry so much. I place my heart in His mighty hands. God protects us, even in the spiritual realm. We may not be able to see what He's doing, but we're safe with Him. 


"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson


  1. This so encouraging! Thank you for sharing this.

  2. When I read this, it so described me. We have a powerful and faithful savior! Thank you for this, I needed it today!

    1. Yes, indeed! He is mighty! I'm so glad it spoke to you!


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