Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Gwen Fire: Life Is Growing Again

The Gwen fire started in July. It destroyed a lot of acres. It also destroyed homes. Our own home was in the midst of the fire. We had to evacuate. It was one of the worst days I've ever experienced. But our home survived, and I'm so incredibly thankful that it did. The people who were involved in helping save our home, I'm eternally grateful to. I still think about it, but it seems behind me now. I'm at home with my family and we're together.

Recently, the hills that were black, are turning green. It's such a beautiful sight. I'm comforted by the fact that even though the fire burned what was on the hills, new life springs forth. There's always fresh life to be expected in some form. A new beginning takes place. And every time I look at the green, I'm also reminded of God's goodness. He was there with me. He was there with us. I wasn't alone. None of us were. He was so close.

As I look back at all my family has endured, I'm thankful to God that He pulled us through. We could have lost our home. But we didn't. We were spared. Unfortunately, some homes were destroyed. I only wish that the fire hadn't happened, but it did that day. I saw God move through the process, though. He made sure that those who lost their homes, that their needs were met. He met ours through the kindness of family and friends. 💚

It's comforting. With the green hills near, I'm eager for 2025. And I pray it's an easier year for everyone. May you be encouraged, my friends. Even though we went through hardship, God was with us. The whole time. He'll be there for you, too. We're going into the new year with safety and love. He's got us protected within His hands and nothing can change that. In ending this last post of 2024, I hope my family and friends have a Happy New Years.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 25 - A Late Christmas Greeting

Merry Christmas. I realize it's late to wish this greeting to you, but I hope you had a lovely one, or if you're still having celebrations. Me? I'll probably leave my Christmas decorations up for a little while longer. I don't really want Christmas to leave. I'll eventually take them down in January, just not right now. How about you? Are you leaving them up or taking them down? It would be interesting to know what you're doing with them. 💓

My Christmas spent with family members was wonderful. We made new memories together. I got to visit Locomotive Park with my Dad to see the lights. Go out shopping with my Mom. Hand out presents to my niece and nephew. Ate yummy food with my family. Decorated. Sent out cards. It was fun. To be honest, I was really worried about this Christmas. I didn't know how everyone would feel. I wanted it to be comforting for my whole family.

The best gift was ending 2024 in a pleasant way. It was a hard year, and I'm thankful that we got to rest somewhat. And that, my brother wasn't in the hospital. Thank you, God! As we end Christmas, I'm wishing that everyone has been able to rest, and is now ready for the new year. While I'm not anxious to take down decorations, I'm looking forward to 2025. May it be a good year for all of us, and I'm praying many blessings for my readers.

- Grace Thorson

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 24 - Devotional: Christ Is Within Us

Christ came down to earth as a baby. When you think about it, He could've done things differently. He didn't have to be born. But He did. His start was humble. But He also had a goal. To defeat death and win. To save us from our sins. To ultimately, live within us. Because of His miraculous birth, He resides within each believer. We're not empty. We're filled with His love and grace. In fact, it's His light that shines from within that very spot inside us. Others can also see Him in us. And around us in all we do to bring Him glory. 

I know that the days I feel lonely, I can remember that Christ is within me. I'm never alone. To feel whole, all I have to do is read His word, pray, and spend time in His creation outdoors. And hopefully, as my life feels filled up with daily connection, I can shine His light. This light we have is powerful. It can bring love, hope, and peace to many. In order to do it, we need to serve Christ in everything we do. Even the little things in life can offer someone an opening to His light. To remind them that they, too, aren't alone.

So, when you're doing really anything, just remember that Christ is within you. And He's strong. With faith, you can move mountains. That's how strong He is. He can do anything. If God wills, you can reach anyone. Do anything to bring Him glory. But I feel like it's good to start out small. Allowing your light to grow. Someday, it could be so bright that others can't help but feel at peace around you. They'll know that what you have inside is something that they want. And you can give it to them. His light is free to give to anyone.

Even if we put the manger away for next Christmas, we can still remember that we have Jesus within our hearts. What He did. What He accomplished. And that His light is with you. It'll never glow dim. It's a light that can be shared with others. For me, I'm sad that Christmas is over, but I know that I'll still carry the light from His life within me. Even into the new year. In fact, I think it'll be present in many people's lives as we proceed forward. So, may even His light within you shine brightly like the star over the manger. 

The star's light guiding others to Him. Because Christ is within us.

"The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." - John 1:9 NIV

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 23 - Museum Spotlight: Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum Part 2

This is part 2 of my visit to the Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum. To read part 1, click here. As I progressed through the room, I came into one that honored Chinese immigrants. It was fascinating to see the dishes, photos, and items from that time period. I didn't realize how much of history I didn't know, even about our own town. While I was in the room, I spotted a round table. It was carved, and it's a beautiful piece. I know that Polly Bemis came from China and lived in Idaho during the late 19th and early 20th century. There's even a book written about her. It's called, "Polly Bemis: The Life and Times of a Chinese American Pioneer" by Priscilla Wegars. I haven't had the chance to read it myself, but I'd like to. The book looks really interesting. After looking around the room, I stepped into another one filled with all kinds of pictures, historical pieces, and lots of information.

I turned to the left and spotted a section for drugstores and fire and police departments. I liked all of the little items available to see from the drugstore. Life has come a long way, and it's amazing to view the progression through the many years. And like I said in my first post, lots of information to read about each part within the museum. I could spend much more time taking everything in, and I actually plan on doing it one day. I mean, when you think about it, there's so much of the past that makes up our lives today. People forged ahead and created the world we live in. They deserve our recognition, and I'm so glad the museum is here to do that. I think every museum is special in how it brings history to life. Whether it's art, science, or any other kind of museum. It's important to keep history alive.

To the right of the room, there were businesses from old times past. They even had a place where kids could interact with objects. I really liked the camera shown above. I'm just still amazed at how fast technology developed into what it is now. I mean, we have digital cameras. So, within the section for kids, there's even a typewriter that they can use. If you're planning on visiting the museum, be sure to bring your children. They have a few things for them to do. They even have a fun gift shop. Back to the room, there's many pieces to look that. Instruments used for various purposes. Looking at them, I was struck by how the tools we have in 2024 make life so much easier. With the pieces they have, I'm intrigued at how they received some of them. So cool with what they have to show.

It hit me that I needed to go back and check out more of what I missed in the other rooms. So, I hopped through them with my camera. I also visited the room dedicated to the Chinese immigrants again. This is where I admired the carved table. Once I did that, I also went back some more to the room where there was a statue. I snapped a nice photo of the statue guarding the doorway. I then proceeded forward. There was some more to check out, and I didn't want to miss any of it. Next week, I'll post part 3 of my museum visit. There'll be two more posts of this series. So, I really hope you enjoyed today's post. If you'd like to find out more info about the museum, check out their website here. Thank you!

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 22 - Flowers Still In Bloom

Flowers are still in bloom. It's winter. When I see this, I'm always mesmerized by their hardiness. They can still take the cold. Unfortunately, I know they probably won't last, but it's amazing, regardless. Their outstanding beauty both thrills and provides me with some warmth during this season. It also reminds me that spring is around the corner. Don't get me wrong, I like winter, but spring is my second favorite season. I love flowers - which is probably evident by how often I post photos of them. I can't help it. They make me happy.

Since Christmas is over, and this post was supposed to be before Christmas, I had to change it. As we transition out of the holiday season, I want to encourage those during January. I enjoy winter myself, but I must admit that I long for the flowers to bloom. I'm sure most do. I don't know about where all of my readers are from, but January is the month that receives the most snow here. It can be drab. It can be colorless. Despite the view from outside, I still try to find joy. Taking pictures helps me see the beauty of the season.

At the end of December, I was pleased to find some growth. I also hope for the plants' sake that winter won't be too much for them. I look forward to certain flowers and plants that bloom in spring. So, writing about them reminds me of us. In winter, may we all continue to bloom and find growth even amidst the cold. If not, we'll just be dormant and rest until the warmth comes. However you wish to survive this season, may it be an easier one for you. That, warmth from family, friends, and pets would wrap you in love and comfort.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 21 - Remembering The Past

*Note* I apologize for the late posts. Things got busy, and I didn't get around to blogging. I'll be finishing up the last posts in the days ahead. There's only a few more left, so I should be done on December 29th. Thank you for waiting to read them! I really appreciate it! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I loved getting to spend time with my family. 💚

The last couple of Christmases, I've been nostalgic. There's one memory in particular that stands out because it was with my Grandma. I remember really well going to her house to decorate for Christmas. We put up her blue lights outside on the house and the bushes in front. She loved the color blue - just like me! I also remember that her favorite candy cane flavor was blueberry. I discovered these from her, and they're still my favorite candy cane flavor. They're harder to find these days. You may get lucky and find some small ones at the Dollar Store, or on Amazon - which is where I got mine. They're truly the best! 💙

I miss her so much. She loved Christmas. She always made sure that I was remembered during this season. She made it special. That's not to say, of course, that I didn't have other family members who made Christmas memories with me. They certainly did. I don't know, she's been on my heart lately. There's a big hole where she used to be. She filled that. And now she's gone. She's been gone for years. I still hold onto the memories and can't help but remember the past with her in it. I loved my Grandma T. I especially remember her during Christmas. It was a joyous time! Really wish I could see her again right now. 💓

From that same day, she gave me a Tom & Jerry Welch's collectible glass. It was vivid in my head. I don't know where that glass went. So, I had to get it. I found it on Ebay for a good price. I was so happy that I found it and relived a Christmas memory tied to her. I haven't used it yet, and I don't know if I will. I think I'll keep it with my other dishes and bring it out each Christmas. I could put candy canes in it, the blueberry ones. I didn't think of that until now, but it's a great idea! I'll do it next Christmas for sure. Yay! 💜

So many beautiful memories with her. She used to record shows and movies on tape for me to watch. One of them was Mrs. Santa Clause with Angela Lansbury. I used to watch it. For this year, I bought it off Ebay. It was a harder and rarer find. I don't even think many people know about it. I watched it tonight with my family, reliving those moments sitting in front of the tv. I remembered every song like it was yesterday. It made me feel happy that I got to share the movie with my family. The movie itself is simple but really enjoyable. I'm so glad I got to add it to my Christmas movie collection. Thank you, Grandma T. 🎄

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Friday, December 20, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 20 - Photo Quests: Hunting For Icicles

Intro: December 20th is my birthday. And I know this post is late, but I had a wonderful day spent with family. Thank you, everyone! I'm looking forward to another new year. So, for today, I did a post on icicles. They're older photos in winter from a couple of years ago.

Quest Ending: As I look back and ponder on birthdays from years afar, I'm reminded that life is fragile. Kind of like icicles. Sometimes it's good to take on things slowly and easily. That way, you'll be better prepared for the years ahead of you. Now, let's hunt for icicles.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 19 - Book Giveaway: Christmas At Sugar Plum Manor

Giveaway: For Christmas, I'm giving away a new copy of Christmas At Sugar Plum Manor by Roseanna M. White. It's a novella. I was going to do a book review along with this giveaway but ran out of time. Instead, I'll post the synopsis for the book, so that you can see what it's about. I read a couple of chapters from the book, and I really like it so far. It also seems to have lots of good reviews on Amazon. Whoever wins, I hope you like the book. Good luck!


As the beloved stepdaughter of the Earl of Castleton, Lady Mariah Lyons cherishes her home at Plumford Manor, but her idyllic world will be threatened when the estate passes to Cyril Lightbourne, a childhood friend she hasn't seen or heard from in years. Once, Mariah dreamed their friendship would kindle into something more, but that was before she heard Cyril was courting the cruelhearted Lady Pearl. Now Mariah is willing to welcome him as a friend and pray he will be the heir her stepfather needs, but she'll keep her heart locked safely away from anyone with such poor taste.

Cyril Lightbourne has long avoided returning to Plumford Manor, yet he reluctantly arrives in time for Christmas. When his friendship with Lady Mariah reignites, he finds himself caught between his affection for her and her family's misunderstanding of his attachment to Lady Pearl. Then, more trouble arrives in the form of a Danish lord on a mission to win Mariah's hand by Christmas. Will the magic of the holiday season help lead to the discovery of true love, or will duty to country leave all longing for what could have been?

How To Enter: All you have to do is leave a comment here on this blog post. Just make sure you have a way for me to contact you if you win the giveaway. If you have any questions, let me know! Have fun! Giveaway ends January 7th. Thank you! Merry Christmas! 💓

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 17 - Devotional: Seek Out His Peace

Peace. It's that overwhelming (in a good way) feeling that washes over us. We especially need it when our world isn't... well, peaceful. For myself, I've had many instances where I needed peace in my life. But I do think there seems to be a distinction between worldly peace and God's peace. I've encountered both. The temporary peace we find is nice, but it doesn't last long. The peace from Christ is different. I've experienced it as His strength, bravery, and faith. It's also so calming, safe, and doesn't waver in the face of difficulty. 

Christ's peace is so wonderful that I seek it out when I can, especially when I'm troubled. I would also describe this peace as special in that it's deep, spiritual, and powerful. Like I mentioned above, it seems to wash over us. And we need this when our lives are hard, scary, and unsure. I just... love His peace, because it brings me closer to Him. I can imagine His peace as a beautiful force. One that can change a person's state within their mind and heart. And when you do feel His peace, it's hard to not crave it. It's quenching.

To find His peace for yourself, you have to seek it out through scripture. As well as through prayer. I've also found it when I walked within His creations in nature. And you'll know when it comes to you. It's a calm, serene, and comforting feeling that puts us at ease. However, there is also temporary peace. Temporary peace is when we don't seek Him out for it and find it through worldly means. It often doesn't last. Getting a verse from the Bible that speaks to us is one way to receive that peace from Him. As mentioned, prayer, too.

I'm so thankful for Christ's peace. It's an amazing gift. When I face fear or anxiety, I know I can rely on Him for His peace - the gift that I seek out constantly. I'm sure that many in this world need His peace, and I hope that they find it at some point in their lives. It's not something to miss for anyone. His peace is supernatural. It's hard to fathom at times. He provides us with peace that somehow calms our bodies, heart, and soul. I'm so glad He offers it to us as a gift, and I know I'll continue to seek Him out. Thank you, Jesus!

Seek out His peace.

"Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful." - John 14:27 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, December 16, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 16 - Museum Spotlight: Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum Part 1

There was a nativity showcase being shown at the Nez Perce County Historical Society and Museum. It started on December 13th. I had seen the nativity once before, but I wanted to go again. On that day, I went in the afternoon to see the showcase and to look through the museum. With my camera in tow, I stepped up to the door leading to the museum. Once I got inside, I paid the $6.00 entrance fee. I then browsed the gift shop, knowing I'd also be back to purchase some items. I started off walking down a white-painted hallway that all led to another room. One of my favorite pieces was the mammoth fossil. Not many people know this about me, but I wanted to be a paleontologist. However, I had many interests as a kid. Still, I LOVED fossils and rocks. Science was actually my favorite subject in school.

I've been to the museum before, too. I always feel like there's something new to spot as I walk around. The museum pretty much covers everything from Lewison's history. I'm curious myself as to all the pieces, I'm sure some were donated to the museum. As I explored the room I was in, I noticed some of it was focused on World War II. When you think about it, it's crazy that there really was a world war. In this modern age, it's sometimes hard to put ourselves in that past era. What did people feel back then? Were they any different from those in this time period? I'm sure life back then was hard in different ways. They didn't have the conveniences that we have here now. I mean, I can't imagine a time without the technology that we have. Isn't history just so fascinating? We can learn so much from it. 

I didn't know much about the history of Lewiston. This museum was and is the best place to find out information about this town. So, whether you're really new to the area, or even a longtime resident, be sure to stop by here. I like to go every so often. It's good to brush up on the history. Plus, I'm looking to see if there's any new pieces that have been added, and I believe they do update it if they receive new stuff. And if you or your family haven't gone yet, you should go. Besides science, I also love history! So, reading from the little sections placed throughout the museum are full of interesting facts. I also like how they secured everything a certain way. There's much to look at and read, and I didn't have time to take in all of it. I hope to go back another day soon, so that I can really soak up all the info.

My favorite thing of history is the archaeology, another interest of mine. Because I love history, it was a special treat to visit the museum again. I really didn't take the time to read much, however, I plan on going back again during a less busy time. Then I'll fully be able to soak in everything. So, if you noticed, this post is only part 1. There'll be about 1 - 4 parts of this. I'll be posting the second part here soon, so please hang around for it. In ending this part, I hope you're enjoying it so far. I plan on sharing more about my interests with you, whether it's history or science. One or the other. What are some of your own interests? I'd love to hear them. You can leave a comment, and I'll get back with you. 💓

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmas Blog Advent: Day 15 - Event: Nativity Showcase

One afternoon, I drove to the Nez Perce County Museum. I had a specific purpose - which was to see the nativity showcase. I had gone another year and taken pictures (but this was before my blog). I also wanted to walk the museum, as well, again. Since I didn't get to write about both experiences before, I decided that I would do it. When I walked into the building where the showcase was being held, I was welcomed warmly by the collector - Dr. Dennis Ohrtman. He was really open and friendly. I asked him a couple of questions about his collection. His answer to how many he owns, was that he has over 400 nativity sets. 

While I asked questions, I took pictures of the various sets. Like before, I was struck with the immensity of them. There were so many to look at. I believe that you can't possibly take them all in one visit. I, myself, spent minutes trying to look at various ones. Some stood out more than others. He also had nativities from different countries. There were even sets that he or/and his daughter made. My favorite set from the others was actually one that he made (and possibly his daughter did, too). It's the set that's blue and white (in the photos here). Overall, in my mind, I think it's a wonderful collection - a must see.

After I was done taking pictures, I said goodbye to the collector, Dennis, and stepped out of the building. It was nice to see it all once more. Definitely was a lovely break from my day. Looking through my photos now, I'm reminded of how vast the collection truly is. If you want to do something fun and festive, I recommend seeing this nativity collection. It's going on until January 9th. And you can get tickets for $6.00 at the museum. Members are free. To find out times, visit the website here, get to the nativity showcase banner, and scan the QR code. If you have any questions regarding it, let me know. I'll help you.

I hope to see the collection next year, too. I'll be curious of any new sets. I would also like to thank the museum and Dr. Dennis Ohrtman for putting this together. The nativity sets mean something to me, loving the one that my parents would put out each Christmas. To follow tradition, I had to acquire my own nativity. The nativity, of course, also symbolizes Christ during the holidays. It's a reminder of what He did for us, willing to become a baby, and born into our human world. He gave up so much, just because He loved us - and you, my friend. He loves you. I hope you feel that right now. 💓 The nativity is a love-filled set that brings a sense of Christ's harmony and peace to our hearts. And may you experience that whenever you see one, my wanderer. Truly, a Merry Christmas. With His love. ✨

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...