Friday, January 31, 2025

Photo Quests: Remembering Arrow

Intro: I was able to get out with my camera. My goal was to take photos of the old shed with the Arrow Museum sign on it. It was just begging for me to. It was built in the late 1920's. The museum itself was started by my grandparents in their own home.

Quest Ending: It was a chilly morning, but the sun was out, giving the illusion that it was warm. I quickly took photos of the old shed. I hope you enjoyed the photos. Next time, I'm planning on going outside with my camera for a winter walk. See you again.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson - If He Tells You Something Twice, He Means Business

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson
Subject: If He Tells You Something Twice, He Means Business

I spent the first four decades of my life raising children. It only took the first one of those
decades to discover that my vocabulary had shrunk roughly to a couple paragraphs of my
mom’s more colorful language. Since Mom grew up in the South, she knew a lot of colorful

If my brother and I whined that we wanted something, she stopped the whining in its tracks with this solemn reminder:

“There’s people in hell wanting ice water.” That was Opal-speak for “No.”

Another of her favorites was a mind-bender but got the point across: “If you think you’re going to do that, you’ve got another think comin,’” which was also Opal-speak for “No.”

She highlighted her most ominous warning with a shot of side-eye and cool demeanor that told us she meant business: “Don’t make me tell you again.”

We strove to never force her to repeat herself. Mother was not one to make idle threats. Her punishments weren’t brutal or severe, but she generally followed through promptly.

Mom taught us well to obey authority, which has surely made our lives easier as adults. I’m thankful, though, for the patience of our long-suffering God. Not only does He repeat Himself often to us hard-hearted humans, He gives us time to contemplate the seriousness of our choices.

What I love the most is the way He confirms His Word to us, fearful and slow to believe as we are.

Once God has spoken;
Twice I have heard this:
That power belongs to God;
And lovingkindness is Yours, O Lord….
Psalm 62:11-12

Now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharoah twice, it means that the matter is determined by God, and God will quickly bring it about. Genesis 41:32

This is the third time I am coming to you. EVERY FACT IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES. 2 Corinthians 13:1 (KJV)

God is not afraid to repeat Himself.

The summer of 2024 nearly took our family down. Our quadriplegic son Kevin was seriously ill for months, necessitating seven hospital stays, two life flights, fourteen ambulance rides, and four surgeries and procedures. In the middle of all that, we nearly lost our home in a wildfire, had to evacuate our property, and couldn’t return until the authorities reopened the highway.

Standing with Kevin as he fought round after round of illness under such harsh conditions, we began to crumble. We asked the community to keep praying, even as our courage wilted under the relentless trials.

During one of his hospital stays, his nurse friend came to the hospital to stay with him while I went to rest. At home, I collapsed and wandered through the social media posts I’d been too busy to read. On Facebook, someone I didn’t know posted how she had been led to pray for Kevin and had been given a Scripture for us: Psalm 27.

I read it, soaked in every word, and clung to the comfort and deliverance it offered. Thinking it might encourage Kevin, too, I texted his nurse at the hospital to see if she would read it to him.

I had barely pushed “send” when she shot a text back.

“I had just opened my Bible to read that exact passage to him when you texted me,” she wrote.


What were the chances that I would randomly see a Scripture shared by a stranger for Kevin and happen to send it to the hospital at the exact moment his friend thought to share it with him?

Confirmed by two or three witnesses.

A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God

The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?

When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh,
My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Though a host encamp against me,
My heart will not fear;
Though war arise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident.

On and on, the chapter pours out encouragement and hope, ending with this:

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.

Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD.

We waited. God healed Kevin slowly, in His time. We are back in the home that God spared for us, glorying in His keeping power. Life is still hard. We sing a new song, though, as He teaches us this psalm of fearless trust in Him. 

Guest Writer: Author Pam Thorson

About the Guest Writer: Pam Thorson is a nurse, author, speaker, and full-time caregiver. She is the owner/admin of a certified family home in Idaho, juggling her official duties with her love of research and writing. She is the author of four books - Song in the Night, Out from the Shadows, Arrow, and Blood Falls. You can find her books on Amazon, as well as Arrow and Blood Falls at bookstore ...And Books, Too! (

Her Books:

You can connect with Pam Thorson here:

Thank you for the wonderful devotional, Pam Thorson. I always love your writing! You're so inspiring in what you do. Keep going! - Look forward to having you on again.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Devotional: God Is With You

I deal with fear. Fear of the world. And my own anxieties. It can be a daily thing. As I scroll through social media and the news, fear appears to be rampant everywhere. We've become unsure. Unsure of our futures, life itself, our loved ones, actually everything. Because of that, I wanted to write a devotional about fear today. I have written another devotional about fear before on this blog. You can read it here. And you know what, I felt like writing another one again. I hope this devotional encourages you as much as writing it did for me.

Fear can be an overwhelming feeling. It can follow us around wherever we go. It lurks around corners. It hides in the darkness, ready to envelope our beings. We may know what could happen to us in the future, but since we can only guess, we're not entirely sure. It's that uncertainty. It gets me every time. It's especially hard for me because of my anxiety, my need to feel in control, and the constant thinking. I'm an over-thinker, so the fears can really be hard to face. I usually try to combat it in my own way. Doesn't always work.

What works is God. Many years past, I didn't know how to deal with fear. But now, God is the answer. When I'm faced with fear, I just pass it to Him. I trust God, so I know I can rely on Him. Things could get hard, yes, but at least I won't be alone facing them. He reminds me constantly that He's with me, and that everything is going to be okay. I don't have to worry. Sure, I may still feel some fear and anxiety, but I have a way to control it - He controls it. I don't. I can go on with my life, allowing Him complete control.

When we're starting to get that prick of fear, all we have to do is seek Him out. Pray. Read His Word. Memorize scripture. Write. Talk with a trusted, Christian friend. God gave us these things, so that we could communicate with Him. He loves us. He's going to protect our souls. He's with us everywhere we go. Everywhere. He's with us at the grocery store, the movie theater, and even in the car. We're not alone, and that's a comforting thought. Remember, God will not leave us. He is with you. He is with me. You're safe.

God is with you. Always.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 NASB

Do you need prayer? Send me an email at:

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, January 27, 2025

Book Excerpt From Wandering With Grace

Today, I'm sharing an excerpt from the book I'm currently writing. The title of the book is Wandering with Grace: A Journey of Faith. When will the book be done? Good question. It'll be done late this year. The excerpt is from the second chapter - A Life of Passion.

Life wasn’t about passion, or at least, in my life it wasn’t. It was simple, we didn’t have cell phones back then. The internet hadn’t arrived until a few years later. I miss those times, but I didn’t really have a passion for anything that I noticed. I loved dinosaurs as a little girl. After watching
Land Before Time, I played with my dinos like they were in the movie. They would cry out, “earthshake.” Sure, I loved dinosaurs, I liked a lot of things. As a child, the first thing I wanted to be was a surgeon. Crazy, I know. That’s because I enjoyed science, and especially biology. I found it fascinating. But did I become a surgeon? No, I didn’t. I didn’t claim a true passion for anything, even though there were options.

When I grew up, I didn’t feel like an adult. I didn’t feel mature. I played around with the ideas of pursuing something in college. I never did. Part of me was too terrified to attend a real college. I was nervous about being alone and around people I didn’t know. So, I didn’t do anything. I did take a course in web design, but that wasn’t my passion. I think as we’re younger, we’re kindly suggested or pushed into college right after graduation. Do I regret that? Some of me does. I wish I had pursued something. It did save me money in the long run, but honestly, I did want to attend college. I just didn’t have the guts. The world kind of makes it like a profession is all that defines us. We should be a doctor or something else important. While there is nothing wrong with this, it can put us in a box.

I was struggling to get out of the box I had put myself in. I wanted to be important. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, but I had no idea how. So many avenues to explore. I had many various interests and passions. It was all too much. I was just overly overwhelmed and anxious. I also didn’t want to spend money on a choice I would later regret. Guess what? I did nothing. In my mind, I wanted to attend college, because it was the smart thing to do. I hoped to expand my knowledge. The allure of learning had tempted me to go for it. I had this image in my head of going to college meant you were smarter. It doesn’t always lean that way. So, I had romanticized academics. In the end, I didn’t go to college. I found myself working multiple sales jobs – which was fine, but it wasn’t my passion. What even was my passion? What was I looking for?

There are those that discovered their passions at an early age. They knew exactly what they had been called to do. The path for them was an easy choice. It seemed like most people knew exactly what they wanted. I had no clue. What do I say if someone asks me what my passion was? I couldn’t pinpoint what that was. While I watched friends pursue a profession of their choice, I struggled with my future. But I think our passions can take on different roads. We can revisit old interests and pursue them when we’re older. Often that happens. We can also discover a new passion or even have more than one that we love. I’ve found that to be true for my life. And I found one that I could pursue.

Writing has become a passion, but it started when I was kid. I loved to write my own little books with stories I had created. I wrote some fantastical ones, but I didn’t see myself being an author. For some reason, it just wasn’t a choice. I had kind of locked that away in the back of my mind, even though I enjoyed creating them. I used to take paper, cut it up, and staple it together. Then, I would include my own drawings and a story. I tried selling them to family members. I still have a couple of them packed away. I occasionally pull them out and look them over. It often brings a joyous smile to my face.

I struggled in grammar as a child. I didn’t know or really care about the subject. I loved to read books, that wasn’t a problem. But when it came to writing, I didn’t know what I was doing. I got horrible grades. You would think I would be at least good, but I wasn’t even that. To be honest, my writing was poor. In fact, my writing wouldn’t improve until I was much older. I forced myself to learn the craft. I wanted to write well, so I took on book reviews and album reviews – which improved it. I was proud of myself for the writing I did. I also had a couple of blogs during my young adult years. I finally was slowly liking writing. I even dabbled in poetry. It inspired me to attempt a few book ideas, but none of them were serious. It wouldn’t be until I was in my late 20’s that would change everything.

During my 20’s, I began a fiction book that is still in the works. I plan to finish it this year. But I did write my first book, Butterfly Wings – which is a devotional with poems. I’m so proud of myself for sticking through with it, especially because of my past. This is proof that you can practice and improve in writing. I do agree that some have an innate talent from the get-go. I didn’t, so I had to work hard at it. I still feel like I’m an amateur at it, and I think I’ll always feel that way (it won’t matter how improved I become). School from the past will remind me of my shortcomings, but for the time being, I’m working hard. I’m certain I’ll never become an expert, but my tenacity will be strong in writing. I have many books I wish to finish, so I’m not giving up. For the time being, my passion has become writing, and photography, as well. Both together. Evenly loved.

My passion for the future is to have a few books under my belt. I just hope my passion is in line with encouraging and inspiring other people. Like I mentioned earlier, I just wanted to make a difference as a kid, and I plan to do that by writing books now. Sometimes I ignore my writing and become discouraged. These days are hard. Even if it doesn’t reach a lot of readers, I wish to reach at least one. Only then would my writing be worthwhile. Of course, I also enjoy writing, so I’ll probably keep at it for a couple of years.

But I think the deep part of my heart still wants my writing to impact someone for the good. I’ll never be well-known, but I pray that Jesus would become well-known through it. That is my goal, along with reaching people because of it. My biggest passion is bringing God glory. I said that I didn’t know what to do with my life, but I discovered that you could bring God glory through what you do. I didn’t become a surgeon or a paleontologist, but that’s okay. I’ve come to peace with it. It wasn’t meant for me, and I humbly believe that writing in some magical way became my purpose. Wait. Not magical but predestined.

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from the book I'm writing. If you'd like to read my other book, Butterfly Wings, you can get a copy on Amazon here or at the bookstore ...And Books, Too! ( Thank you so much!

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, January 20, 2025

Museum Spotlight: Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum Part 4

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Nativity Showcase

Listed above are the three other parts where I blogged about the museum. There's also a post about the nativity showcase. Today, is the last part, and I'm going to begin where I left off. After going through the museum and the Heritage House, I ventured outside. They had an old trolly that you could view. I wonder what life was like with a trolly. Such things have changed drastically! They had a sign available near it to read about the history of the trolly - which was interesting. I took a snap of it and then stepped up to the main building where the nativity was being held. I just love oldish buildings. They also had a sign there, as well.

I took photos of the building to my left and then wandered over to another one. It's literally a relic from the past. It's Lewiston's oldest surviving residence. In 2013, it went through some renovations to preserve it. Pretty neat! When visiting the museum, make sure you don't skip past these. I would say, take your time and immerse yourself in the history presented there. Don't rush. You might miss something. When I finished my self-tour of the museum, the house, and the pieces outside, I neared the one with the nativity in it. My tour of the museum had ended, and I was ready to see the showcase. It had been great.

My overall visit to the Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum was educational, fun, and something I would see again. You have to check out their giftshop, too! And if you want to know more about the nativity showcase, check out the top of this post (there's a link to click on that takes you to my post about the nativity showcase). The nativity showcase ended at the beginning of this month. It'll be awesome if they do it again at the end of this year. If you have any questions about my experience or info, please leave a comment. 

I would also like to thank the society and museum for always being so welcoming when I visit. They're a great team of people. Keep doing what you're doing! Really appreciate it!

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Devotional: When The Holy Spirit Speaks

I was looking for protection and refuge from the world. I had taken a picture of the sky that evening. I wanted to share it on social media but didn't know what to say. I decided that a verse might be a good choice. I sometimes like to add them with a photo I took. I looked up verses on google for ones that meant protection or safety. I came across Psalm 46:1. It seemed well-chosen for that night. After that night, I went to work as usual in the day. I wasn't expecting anything to happen from it, but I would later find a gift.

Once I got home, I decided to do God Time. It's where I read devotionals, write, and pray. Well, I hadn't done it in a month, so I felt like I needed to, and I wanted to spend time with God again. One of the devotionals I picked up had a daily devo and a verse attached to it. I opened the devotional, and the verse written above the writing was Psalm 46:1. I couldn't believe it. It was the same verse that I had selected the night before. Was the Holy Spirit trying to talk to me? Was He confirming the verse from the night before?

That afternoon, I was struck with surprise and joy. The Holy Spirit comforted me with that verse, and now I feel completely safe within God's arms. I know He watches over me, but sometimes I still feel afraid. But He knows how I feel each day. And He protects me and encourages me with His mighty love. I'm so thankful to the Holy Spirit for giving me that verse, because now I'm going to hold tight to it. But I also felt like I needed to share it with others, so that's why I added it to my devotional today. It was meant to be shared.

God gave me some color and light again in my life. It's no longer bleak. Sure. There might be some hard days, but His love will always get me through. And I know He's with me all the time. He demonstrated it clearly. And He's with you all the time, too. Seek Him out. That's what He was saying to me, as well, and to you. Seek Him out. He's longing to hear from you, and He'll provided you with comfort through His Word. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for comforting me with your Word. And for the ability to share it with others.

He's there for us. Waiting. The Holy Spirit speaks.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very ready help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Museum Spotlight: Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum Part 3

After stepping out of the museum, I headed to the Heritage House. I had been inside of it before, but it's one of my favorite parts of the museum. I walked up to the doorway that was guarded by two lions. Once I entered the house, I took pictures of the rooms. I thought the wallpaper was really pretty. I just love old houses. They have such character and are mysterious. You don't get that with a new house. I also noticed around the rooms there were nativities. These were from the nativity collection. You can check out my blog post here that I wrote about the nativity collection being held there. I didn't realize how many the collector had - they were all over in the lower rooms. It was fun to spot them as I proceeded forward on my journey. Because it was Christmastime, there were a few decorations, as well. It gave the old house a festive look - which was a lovely addition.

Looking around, I noticed they had old appliances and furniture in every room. It was fascinating to explore everything. I mentioned before, but I really like old things, like antiques, too. I haven't been antiquing in a long time, but I hope to do so soon (this inspired me). I don't necessarily have any room for antiques in my place, but a few items would fit, I'm sure. On another adventure, I'd like to check out some antique stores. Watch out for it! But I digress, I found so many treasures hiding, or in plain sight within the house. Each piece had a specific purpose. I found an old stove, dishes, pans, utensils, and more. I didn't remember much from my last visit, but I did remember a piano, and the upstairs rooms. I walked into another room and spotted a typewriter. I have one that my Mom gave to me when she had it as a young woman! I then admired their piano in that room.

When I stepped up the stairs, I was welcomed by some old dolls and toys. There was an old bathroom near the stairs that was next to a bedroom. It all seemed mysterious and stuck in time. I wondered what memories were created here, and the people that inhabited it. I quietly stepped into the first bedroom, trying not to disturb anything. It was like being back in time, and I enjoyed that feeling. If you haven't been to this museum, be sure to check out the Heritage House. It's pretty cool. As I wandered around the room, I spotted some dresses, hats, and furniture. I admired it all, but I especially liked the lamp on the ceiling. There was also a second bedroom that was closed off to the public, but you can still gaze into it. The first bedroom allows you to walk along and take it in all up close. You know, I suppose it was a simpler time back then. How I wish I could go back to those days.

Leaving the bedroom at the top of the stairs, I walked through the lower rooms and out the door. There were a few things to see outside, before I made it into a building where the nativity showcase was being held. The outside will be in next week's blog post on Monday - it's the last leg of my journey. I wish more people were interested in museums and old buildings. We must preserve the past so that we can better understand the future. That's how I see it, anyways. So, be sure to visit the museum soon. The nativity showcase will not be there at this time, but there's still many wonderful things to look at. I hope you liked today's post. Be sure to visit the museum's website here. See you next week, wanderers.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Photo Quests: Dreaming of Spring

Intro: Winter is still here. Don't get me wrong, I like the colder weather, but my heart always longs for flowers. Spring is also my second favorite season, so I'm kind of excited for it. Because of that, I'm sharing photos from a past springtime with you today.

Quest Ending: Looking at these photos provides a sense of warmth. I can't wait to see the flowers blooming again. Actually, each year I search for them, always ecstatic when I spot some. Flowers are such a wonderful symbol of rebirth. Hope you find a renewal this spring.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Book Review: Hush, Little Mommy

Book: Hush, Little Mommy
Author: Lori'el Tritto

Book Synopsis:

52 thoughts of hope and healing for moms who struggle with postpartum depression.

Some of us think motherhood comes softly with tiny toes, light-hearted giggles, and warm cuddles in a rocking chair. But, what if it comes as a storm, wild and dripping wet with high winds and low-hanging fog, that leaves a mom's heart shaken and foggy?

Lori'el wants to invite you into a grace-filled place to find hope and courage if your journey into motherhood begins with the storm of depression, a mood disorder, or if you just need a bit of encouragement.

Book Review:

The author approached me about reading her book for a review. I gladly accepted. I enjoy reading various books on different subjects. This one was unique. Hush, Little Mommy is a devotional and journal for women with postpartum depression. It includes scripture, anecdotes, and personal reflections. While I've never endured postpartum depression, I liked reading this book. I believe it's a light that shines in the darkness for mothers, and I really can see it as being incredibly helpful for those times. And Lori'el did a wonderful job putting it together to create one cohesive piece as a devotional and journal.

I liked how honest and down-to-earth Lori'el was in her book. I think this is her first book, and it's a much needed one for the world today. The stories in each chapter are especially helpful. Actually, I found all of it to be encouraging. Its kindness radiates from the written words on every page. Lori'el is a gentle and lovely individual, and her writing reflects that kindness. I'm so glad she wrote this. It's a beneficial devotional to have as a mother. 

I've struggled with depression myself, but I know it's not the same thing as postpartum depression. I just know what it's like to be in the dark, and I really hope Lori'el will also continue to write more comforting books like this. I can see her doing more devotionals. For this book, I highly recommend Hush, Little Mommy by Lori'el Tritto for any mother struggling with postpartum depression. If you're interested in reading this book, you can find it on Amazon here. It's available in paperback. 💓 Thank you to Lori'el for the book.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's

I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...