Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Monday, August 19, 2024
Blog Update: Taking A Few Days Off
While I help my family, I'll still be working on my book. I don't want to stop writing, as I have my own deadline set for it. I find time to write 500 words each day. I usually enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while I write. A lit candle usually is by my side, as well. My ultimate plan for the book is to be finished with the rough draft before Christmas. It's a discipline that I want to keep up. I feel like I need to write this book. It's called Wandering with Grace. I already blogged about it and what it's focus is. You can read more on it here.
The book, Wandering with Grace, is going well. I'm writing stories, the history behind my photos, and placing a gallery that would be within the middle of the book. I'm hoping to have it self-published next year. Any spare time that I have, I'm also working on my other project - which is the White Heron. I don't know if both will be finished next year, but that would be awesome if it came true. I have many ideas that can't get finished soon enough. But I tell myself, they'll get done. I just have to be consistent. My next project after the Wandering with Grace and White Heron, is another book. Imagine that! But I don't want to give out too much info on what's next on the horizon. It's just really exciting.
Thanks for being a reader of my blog. I enjoy sharing my life journey with everyone. I don't know if people like it, but I look forward to writing my excitement for things. I just don't want anyone to get tired of reading about the books I'm working on. I'm eager, and I hope people are somewhat that way, too. I have to be patient, however, and that's a tough one for me. I want to finish my books now, but it takes discipline, hard work, and a strong focus to get them all done. I honestly don't know what's down the road from here, but I'm so determined and stubborn to get my projects completed. So, yeah, there's much to do in the next months ahead. Within that time, I pray that my writing encourages, inspires, and brings a sense of love to you. Thank you so much! (Could you pray for my family member?)
Many blessings,
Friday, August 16, 2024
Photo Quests: From The Darkness
Photo Quests: From The Darkness
Intro: I know I've done it before, but I had the idea to do it again. To be honest,
you can't really just quit doing photos in black and white. There's always room for fun in
experimenting with different textures and objects. So, that's what I did.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Surviving The Gwen Fire of 2024

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Monday, August 12, 2024
An Arboretum Adventure: Part 2

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Devotional: You Have An Enemy

I want you to think of the worst problems we face today. I can think of many instances where evil is constant and seeming to grow rapidly. When we hear on the news a story that is truly heartbreaking, we can see the darkness at work. It will only spread, because Satan preys on all of us. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not. At some point in your life, you've most likely seen what he can do. I also feel that Satan likes to prey on the innocent the most, like children and animals. He causes as much pain as possible.
Yes, he's vile. He'll go after anything or anyone to cause havoc. We, of course, are not completely powerless against our adversary. To lessen his hold on us, we can pray, spread kindness, and just make this world a somewhat habitable place for everyone. However, humans are selfish, and we give in to the temptations of Satan. The most worst thoughts imaginable become reality in this harsh environment. The one thing I don't understand is how we can blame God for any of this. Satan is to blame.
I've become more aware of the spiritual side - which is why I'm writing about this today. Life is a daily battle. My own battle is that I have horrible thoughts about myself. I can't always seem to get rid of them. One day, during these thoughts, a powerful line came into my mind, "You would be the first into battle." It gave me chills, and I knew it was the Holy Spirit. It gave me courage to face the daily battles I go through, and I hope this devo encourages you to never stop fighting our enemy. But, don't worry. In the end, we win.
Keep fighting.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." - Ephesians 6:12 NASB
Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Saturday, August 10, 2024
New Book In The Works: Wandering With Grace

The idea of Wandering With Grace will be a book with stories/reflections and some of my photography. I'm super excited about it, and I think it's going to be a good thing. It won't be a devo like my first book, Butterfly Wings (you can find this book on Amazon or at ...And Books, Too! But, it's a project that I hope to have finished soon. When? I don't know exactly, but it shouldn't take too long to write. It will, however, be next year sometime.
What to expect? The project will be focused on my journey, stories, and photos. It won't be a coffee table book, but it will most likely be paperback. A photo will be included with each chapter, too. That's what I'm thinking, anyways. My plan is to compile all of these together to make one cohesive book. My purpose will be to encourage, inspire, and bring a sense of wonder. Life is to be celebrated. Even when things are hard, there's goodness.
Those are my plans; however, I don't know what the future holds. Life has become unpredictable, I think, for everyone. The next months could be crazy on a global front. Next year might be a disaster. Fear seems to run rampant. I just know that I'm going to hold onto hope, because it's all I have. I'll continue to find joy in anything I can, and I'll try to shine a light for everyone. If I can help just one person, I'll have accomplished my goal.
For the end of this summer, to fall, and then to winter, I'll be blogging and writing. I feel the need to write, so I'm pursuing that wholeheartedly. In my heart, I long for happiness, and I want to express my love for others. I also pray that these months for everyone will be life-changing, and in a beautiful way. If you need prayer, send me an e-mail (contact form on right sidebar), or leave a comment. Thank you for stopping by today. If you want to stay updated on my writing, be sure to like my Facebook page, and follow my blog (on sidebar).
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, August 9, 2024
Photo Quests: Hunting For Bugs
Photo Quests: Hunting For Bugs
Intro: I stepped outside with my camera fully intent to take some pictures.
What I didn't expect was to spot a robin looking for bugs. I quietly sat down
on a bench and watched the bird. It was fun following this bug hunt.
what it does naturally - to hunt bugs. I don't know where the robin is at now,
but I hope it has a great family and is still looking for those pesky little critters.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Author Interview: Janet Chester Bly
Author Janet Chester Bly stopped by my blog to do an interview with me today.
First question. What do you love most about writing?
Grace, thanks so much for inviting me to do this feature on your new blog. And congratulations on your book release of poems and devotions, Butterfly Wings.
As to the fun things about writing for me... I love receiving correspondence from fans. Also, it’s a delight to meet readers of our books in person. I got to do that recently when I was a guest author for a creative writing class at Sacajawea Middle School in Lewiston, Idaho. Some of the students as well as the teacher had read our children’s books.
I love that nothing in life is wasted for a writer. No matter what happens--good, bad, or messy--it’s potential material for a speaking or writing project. And I never get over the sense of accomplishment when a book projects finally completed. Seeing my name on the cover never gets old! Or on a royalty check!
What steps do you usually go through when it comes to writing and perfecting a story?
It's a bit different every time, depending on the project and life circumstances. However, the basic process begins with finding a topic, a theme, or any kernel of an idea. Then, I flush out some rough sentences or paragraphs as a brainstorming starter. At this point some kind of research will happen—looking for information and inspiration. This may include a road trip. In fact, travel for both my late husband and me always incited our best writing flow. I did a lot of hours of note taking while he drove umpteen miles down the highways and dirt off ramps of every western state. Perfecting first and second draft stories happened with editing, by each other, and professionals.
How did you become an author?
After my husband graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary and got called to serve as a pastor of a Presbyterian church in Woodlake, California, I got stirred up to discover what my own God-given ministry might be. That began a long journey of several years getting involved in a variety of church and community activities, as well as academic and cooking, sewing, crafting classes. While I enjoyed some of these pursuits, none seemed to zing as a prime spiritual gifting.
Then one day a friend handed me a brochure for a Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference in Santa Cruz, California. I decided to go. What an exciting experience meeting writers, editors, publishers, and agents, and attending classes on the how-to of the writing profession. I went right home and pulled out the poetry I had written over the years. Then I wrote some more, including short, inspirational sidebars. I sent them out to magazines like they explained to do at the conference. And after some months, I received some acceptances.
But it wasn’t until I got husband Stephen interested in writing, too, that our full-fledged partnership developed, for our mutual benefit. That proved to be the key. He nurtured most of the ideas and they flowed all messy on his computer. I could edit him and me. We made a dynamic team.
Over the years, we influenced and enlarged one another’s gifts. I got more creative. He handed me cleaner manuscripts. And with the continuing aid of our contacts at the writer’s conference, we produced more than short stories and articles. The first book released in 1982, Radical Discipleship with Moody Press Publishing. In time, Stephen became best known as an award-winning western novelist. As of today—his, mine, and ours--we’ve published about 120 books, fiction and nonfiction for adults, teens, and kids (8-12 years old).
You can find out more about how I found God’s will for my life, and how you can too, in my book, Managing Your Restless Search/Finding Your Place of Service in God’s Plan. Available here:
With your newest book, Grace Spilling Over, what motivated you to write it?
Grace Spilling Over evolved from several resources. First, a desire of mine to answer the question, “Is God really good all the time?” when faced with the tragedies and evil that invade our lives and the world. And second, I began to collect numerous stories I heard at the churches, conferences, and retreats where I spoke or attended. I put the theme and the life events together.
In what way do you hope readers will be inspired by Grace Spilling Over?
This book reveals God’s tender mercies as people struggle to trust Him with many “Why?” concerns. They wonder at God’s delays to help them. No easy answers here. No flinching from facing life’s unfairness and cruelty. Yet hope and grace shine through as we see God prepares His children for what He knows lies ahead. My goal is for the reader to experience deep and abiding comfort in the goodness of their heavenly Father. Available here:
Are you currently working on a book? If so, can you share a little bit about it?
My present project is an anthology of short stories, co-authored with fourteen other published authors who belong to a private online Christian fiction writers’ group. Each of us has been challenged to create a story of about 4,000 words or less around a piece of jewelry. The story can be set in any era with a choice of gem and genre. The prologue frame story will be about a contemporary jeweler who secretly hoards precious gems over the years. He plans to create a Christmas tree wall hanging of them with enough great value to establish his reputation alongside Tiffany and Fabergé. The stories tell the history of the pieces. And the search to fill a missing space.
I’ve completed a draft of my story, “Beneath a Turquoise Sky,” which is set in 1991. In it I use a couple characters from my latest cowgirl mystery romance series, The Trails of Reba Cahill. *My jewelry piece is a gold and turquoise squash blossom necklace. The working title of this book is The Jewel Project and has a late fall release date, in time for Christmas. All proceeds will go to a chosen ministry, to be determined.
*The Trails of Reba Cahill 3-book series available here:
There are many great Bible verses and quotes out there, but which of these apply to your journey in life?
My life verse is Ephesians 2:10 and has been the guiding light for discovering what God made me to be and do: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Janet, have any closing thoughts, writing tips, or advice to share with us?
Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, everyone should record the highlights (and maybe lowlights) of your life, including as much history you know and remember about your family, as far back as possible. Even if it never goes further than a personal journal, those words will have value for someone.
Randomly Fun Questions:
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I co-lead several different exercise classes for seniors and like playing around with silk flower arrangements for bouquets and wreaths.
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
I enjoy any flavor tea, but only drink low-fat or non-dairy lattes for coffee with occasional sugar-free flavoring.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I get to bed about 12:00-1:00 a.m. and rise in time for morning exercise or Bible study class.
How can my readers best get in contact with you or follow you on social media?
Facebook Author Page:
Facebook Personal:
Thank you for doing this interview with me, Janet.
*Note* Click here to read my review of Janet's book, Grace Spilling Over.
Many blessings
- Grace Thorson
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's
I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...

This is my new blog. I've had some in the past, but this one is different. It focuses on the journey we all take because a lot of us wan...
On a lovely Autumn day, I took a drive up to Juliaetta. My plan was to take pictures of the local library there because I wanted to do a spo...
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 1 Intro: Nothing but green all around me. I know it won't last, but at least I get to see the...