Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Library Spotlight: Juliaetta Community Library

On a lovely Autumn day, I took a drive up to Juliaetta. My plan was to take pictures of the local library there because I wanted to do a spotlight. I had been to the library before for a book signing event. It was something I got to do with my Mom - Pamela Thorson. When I parked the car, I got out and strolled down the sidewalk. The outside of the library is whimsical - which I love. It has various book covers painted on the outside wall. Can you guess what my favorite was? After I took those pictures, I stepped inside the door. The library always feels so welcoming when I enter it. It's both cozy and comforting.

I approached Erin, the librarian, at the front desk. I first met her at the book signing we had. She's a wonderful individual. So thoughtful, open, and kind. I also found her to be highly knowledgeable about the library and the books. In a message, she answered all of my many questions I had about it. Erin has been with the library since 2017. She said that, "Being a librarian was always a dream of mine, but it never seemed plausible." She's always loved reading, so this is the perfect job for her. After saying "hi" to Erin, I walked around the library. I took a couple of pictures while doing so. It's such a calm environment.

The library has a great place for kids, too. There was a corner just for them. They also have a summer reading program for all ages, and they host events every week during summer for kids. During the year, they do a book talk book club, art contests, craft events, storytimes, and gardening events. Along with the events, they offer free internet, access to Libby and close to 1 million ebooks, hoopla, dvd's, board games, a sewing machine, and a ukulele. At the end of my taking photos, I entered a raffle they had for an Autumn prize. The raffle lasts until November 5th. The tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. 

The history behind the library itself is interesting. Erin gave me some info about it. The library is more than 120 years old. She said, "It was originally the top floor of a two-story building. The order of Rebecca's used it for a meeting hall." The library was lowered where it stands today in the 1930's. Erin went on to say, "The library was given the first 10 feet of the building to use in the 70's. In the 80's, they got another 10 feet, and in the late 80's, they were given the entire space." The library is a branch of the Latah County Library District. They serve both Juliaetta and Kendrick. They are part of the Valnet Consortium of Libraries that has 47 libraries from Potlatch to Elk City, as well. They share books in the consortium with patrons which has almost half a million books. It has much to offer.

There is an update for the Juliaetta Community Library. They announced that they're moving to a building in Kendrick. I don't know when, but I'm sure it'll be really nice. At the end of my visit to the library, I drove back home. Thinking back to my visit, the library is a special place and Erin is an awesome librarian. Erin said, "I have the life I only dreamed about as a kid. I get to talk about books all day..." It's an inspiring thing when you meet someone that is enthusiastic about their job. So, if you have the chance, be sure to drop by and look through their books. Say, "hi" to Erin there when you visit, too.

You can like their Facebook page at Friends of the Juliaetta Community Library.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Devotional: Receiving His Grace

Grace. It's what we don't deserve but are given anyways. It's obviously my first name, but somehow, I've never been able to comprehend it. I've gone my whole life being extremely hard on myself, and I was confused at what grace even meant. I would compare it to mercy, but it's not the same thing. So usually, I wouldn't give grace to myself. I've done many things I'm not happy about, so I didn't and still don't think I deserve it. I've gone my whole life this way. What is even grace? I would think, but I would learn to understand it.

God's grace is beautiful. It's just so amazing. He gives us what we don't deserve. We're sinful creatures, so do we really deserve grace? God thinks so, and I'm so glad He does. Unfortunately, I've noticed that in today's society, grace isn't practiced much. Only God appears to be the gift bearer of this wonderful gift. We can be so hard on others, and ourselves, that we forget to be full of grace to the world. God gives us grace, so naturally we should gift it to people, too. Let's make grace popular again.

Like I mentioned above, I think it's interesting that even though my name is Grace, I've never really understood it. But He's often reminded me of his vast grace. It covers my multitude of sins. I truly don't deserve His grace, but I'm so overjoyed that He gives it to me. It really is like a gift that is wrapped in love and finished with a bow of joy. I eagerly wait for it when He gives it to me. Kind of like a kid on Christmas morning, I always look forward to His gifts. They're the best kind, especially when it's grace. I thank God for grace in my life, and I hope to share it with those that need it in their lives.

So, when you're in not a good place, just remember God's grace. It's there, and He's always willing to give it to you. And God's grace is all we need. We can survive on just that, and His love for us. We have an enemy that, however, doesn't want us to receive grace. He'll fight to keep you from accepting God's grace. He did that in my life, and I'm certain he'll keep at it. We just have to remember that Satan can't keep you from receiving it, though. You'll be able to open that precious gift as soon as you realize it. In other words, grace isn't going anywhere. God is there waiting to give it to you - that amazing grace.

Receive His grace today.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Friday, October 11, 2024

Photo Quests: Never Looking Down

 Photo Quests: Never Looking Down

It's a warm Autumn day that I went out for a photo quest. I took photos of the 
sky and the tops of trees. I don't ever want to be caught looking down in life. I hope to continually be looking up to the heavens. This photo quest reminded me of that.

Quest Ending: It was a simple photo quest this time, but I was really inspired by the
never looking down. I want to always keep my eyes on God even in the hardship. The sky and trees provided that thought to me. I hope it inspired you to keep looking up, too.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Guest Writer: Author Janet Chester Bly

Guest Writer: Author Janet Chester Bly
Subject: Daily Graces

Dawn experienced no problems with her pregnancy. But a few minutes before her first child’s birth, the heart monitor suddenly showed the baby’s tiny heart stopped beating.

When her son was born, the doctors worked furiously to get his breathing started. They later told Dawn they couldn’t be sure whether to keep trying or not. They flew baby Lane by helicopter to a bigger hospital. The doctors warned he might not survive the trip, but he did. However, the hospital staff reported Lane may have suffered brain damage or loss of kidney function.

Dawn recalls, I remember the peace God gave me about the whole thing. Of course, we prayed God would work a miracle. But God also gave me that peace.” God did work a miracle. Lane survived to be a healthy adult. And Dawn grew in perseverance and spiritual trust from that experience.

Growing faith is sometimes a learned trait, a process of deliberation, line upon line, precept upon precept. Here a little and there a bunch, you practice your faith. When you buckle down on your troubles, you tighten your assurance God will help somehow. 

Somewhere along the line, everyone encounters a severe personal crisis in which the whole idea of God’s goodness gets tested. That happened to me when my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of prostate cancer that eluded the usual treatment.

One of the toughest things I faced when I lost him centered on answering the why God didn’t heal him when so many people in multiple places prayed for him. One person even expressed anger towards God because he just knew Steve would be cancer-free. I feared he’d turn from his faith altogether. He couldn’t understand why I seemed so accepting of Steve’s fate.

But by that point, I had witnessed so much of God’s hand in our lives. “You don’t know,” I tried to tell him, “All the many daily miracles of grace we experienced along the way, through all the ups and downs. Not the least, God granted us five full, mostly active years together, when the doctors said it could be much less.”

And after he passed away, God kept working when he allowed my three sons and me to finish Stephen’s last novel together, when he had only one chapter completed: Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot. Truly, finishing that task within the four-month deadline provided an unexpected, surprise wonder for my whole family.

Every round of circumstances and challenges we face will include unique details and sometimes unexpected or creative results. 

Life’s uglies, such as devastating disease and loss of loved ones, cause us to wrestle with monumental questions. We may confront God with our whys and doubts. But we do have the immense privilege of direct access and dialogue with our Creator. When we’re pressed down on our knees with no pretenses, we cry out to Him and dare ask for understanding and miracles. He may grant life, insight, or release . . . or not. One hope may be dashed, but watch for it, another always remains. For every mystery, every loss, there is a gain. For instance, God reigns beyond the grave.

Over the years, I’ve learned to stay alert for God’s gracious mercies mixed in with every big challenge I face. I’m more sensitive to notice what’s the over-arching Plan that will make me marvel at His wisdom. Since I’ve witnessed His works myself, in Him alone, I hope.

Hope keeps us buoyant with fire and energy, looking to the future. Patience grounds us in calm endurance to the present sometimes stark reality. And trust keeps us still and quiet, to pay attention to what God is doing in our world. He’s always busy—answering prayers, doing good, or suddenly springing a surprise.

To develop spiritual journey skills like that takes practice, with drills and repetitions. It’s a process of cultivation. We’re even toughened through our own wilderness jaunts, like the Israelites (Deuteronomy 29:5), and also like Jesus (Matthew 4:1ff).

Getting to know God personally means walking through life’s stuff with Him. We find out for ourselves that He is with us. We become pilgrims with a purpose, travelers with an assignment: to trust Him, to even enjoy Him, and to serve Him forever.

"We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 5:3-5 NIV

Guest Writer: Author Janet Chester Bly

About the Guest Writer: Janet Chester Bly is the widow of award-winning western author Stephen Bly. She has published fifteen nonfiction and fiction books of her own and also co-authored twenty others with Stephen. She once lived in the town of Winchester managing Bly Books. She now lives in Lewiston closer to her family. You can find her books on Amazon, as well as some of them at ...And Books, Too! (andbookstooonline.com)

Her Books:

You can connect with Janet Chester Bly here:

Website: www.BlyBooks.com

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/BlyBooks/

Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/janetchesterbly/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janetchesterbly/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlyBooks


Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/269265.Janet_Chester_Bly

Thank you for being a guest writer, Janet. Look forward to having you on again.

Many Blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Monday, October 7, 2024

Restaurant Spotlight: Hardware Brewing

I've noticed most of my adventures appear to happen on Sundays. Today was not any different. I saw on Facebook that Hardware Brewing was serving two new drinks - eggnog latte and an eggnog chai tea. I love eggnog (although strangely enough I didn't when I was little), so I had to try the latte. Instead of going alone, I invited my Mom along to try it out. Wanted to share the experience with her. We left one Sunday afternoon and took a drive up to Kendrick. We parked, and I took a few pictures of their sign (which is super cool!). Love their theme and style. It's unique. It has both an industrial and antique look.

Once inside, we found a table with two chairs. It was really busy. While we waited to be served, we took in the beautiful woodwork, lights, and overall design. I loved it. A waitress came up to our table and got our orders. My Mom got an eggnog latte and an appetizer. I just got the eggnog latte. It did seem to take a little bit in getting our drinks and appetizer, but it was well worth the wait. The latte was warm and sweet. The eggnog was also so delicious! If you like eggnog and coffee, it's the perfect combination. I probably could've had two, or even tried the chai one, as well. My Mom loved hers, too. So yummy!

After resting at our table, we got up and explored. Everything is nicely added. There are framed pictures on the wall and books to buy. I believe they're done by the J-K Heritage Foundation. The history of the place has been preserved, as well, as the surrounding areas. It's awesome when an old building is given new life. I'm always sad to see them taken down. As we walked around, we made our way over to the front table. I knew they had shirts and hoodies, so I checked them out. I decided on a hoodie. It's nice and soft, by the way. I'm glad I picked one up. When we left, I kept drinking the quickly diminishing latte. 

As I reflect back on it, I would gladly go again. I plan on going to try out their meals. They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I want to try a plate per meal on different days. Their fettucine alfredo and chicken fried steak sounds especially good. If you're looking for a new place to try, I recommend checking Hardware Brewing out. I don't think it's too far of a drive from either Lewiston or Clarkston. And of course, if you're nearby, be sure to try their eggnog lattes. I'm thinking of getting the eggnog latte chai next time.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Devotional: Keep Showing Compassion

To be a kind human is to be compassionate. Some of us practice it easily, and some of us don't. I think when we do show compassion, we're emulating Christ. He was the first in the beginning of time. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, he provided them with clothes to hide their shame. He didn't have to. He could've sent them on their way without them. This is only one instance of many where God used compassion. I believe that compassion is a trait that we inherited from Him. The only problem is that many in this world don't want to use it. Nowadays, selfishness is prevalent in our world.

You may think people that aren't Christians are the only ones that don't really practice compassion. Unfortunately, this is not true. I've witnessed and experienced some Christians that didn't. It shouldn't be that way, however. We're supposed to love others without harsh judgement. It's true that we are supposed to judge Christians by their fruit. But if a Christian lacks compassion, they need to get right with God. I'm not saying that we need to be perfect, but there are specific traits we should emulate. Compassion should come naturally. It's shouldn't have to be forced. It's a reflection of love. Christ's love.

Compassion is caring about an individual - any individual. It's placing yourself in someone else's shoes. Imagine if you were going through their hardship, in this way, you can show them grace. If you were struggling, you would want someone to provide care to you, and possibly your family, as well. Compassion can be done in many ways. You can pray, care, provide, encourage, inspire, and love anyone that needs compassion. Clothe them like God did for Adam and Eve. If they need something, provide it. It's doing for them what you would want done for yourself. It's selflessness in the purest way.

If you're in a position to offer compassion, do it. It may be God speaking to you in helping someone. Christ, Himself, offered, and still offers us compassion. He loves us so much, so compassion is easy for Him. If we truly care about people, we'll do the same. I believe that any of us can give compassion, whether we're Christian or not. I feel that compassion itself is lacking in today's society in many ways. Believers and unbelievers appear to struggle with this one. And it's not hard to do. It's just common human decency to care. If you really want to make a difference in this life, be compassionate. That's how you can reach others.

Keep showing compassion.

"So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." - Colossians 3:12 NASB

Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.

Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson

Friday, October 4, 2024

Photo Quests: An Autumnal Walk (Special Edition)

 Photo Quests (Special Edition): An Autumnal Walk

Intro: My quests don't always go to plan. I had it in my head to shoot photos of
fallen leaves. It was too early in the season to find them. Instead, I went for an early
October walk. It's a special edition in that I included more photos this time.

Quest Ending: One of the particularly interesting things I discovered today were
the cobwebs that were created around a hole in the ground. All in all, it was a short,
but pleasant walk. I look forward to many more of them in the near future.

Wordless Wednesday: Red Vibrance