Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
An Arboretum Adventure: Part 1
My adventure started early in the morning on Sunday. I woke up at 6:00 AM. Ate breakfast, got ready, and made my drive towards town. I charged my camera battery the day before so that it would be ready. I also had in my head what I would wear, and etc. When I reached a certain point while driving, I drove up the hill to Moscow. It was a beautiful drive. There were hardly any other drivers on the road, so it really was pleasant. The sun was also shining bright. After a forty-five-minute drive, I made my way into Moscow. My wonderful friend, Jolene, picked me up at the A&W, so that I could ride with her. Didn't know my way around, so it was so kind of her to do that for me. Thank you, Jolene!
She took me to the Moscow Arboretum & Botanical Garden. Right away, I could tell it was a path that would lead to a beautiful area. Taking out my camera, I began to shoot photos. My friend was so patient as I paused every so often to take a shot. I tend to do that a lot. We walked down the path that led into the arboretum. Talking about life, we enjoyed the many flowers and trees that were close to the path. There were also cool benches with quotes on them. One of them had a Bible verse. I can't remember all the different plants we encountered along the way, but there were many amazing specimens. We took it all in.
We weren't the only ones in the arboretum. There were couples, and people alone enjoying the walk. We stopped next to a bench that was near some water. We each had a few photos taken of us sitting on them. So happy! My favorite thing about the arboretum are the very unique plants found there. Some that I had never heard of before or even seen. I'm a plant lover. Okay, I'm kind of obsessed. I may not be the best at taking care of them inside, but I have an inner fondness for them, including trees. They're magical, ethereal, and full of wisdom. They never cease to bring me happiness, and I have an appreciation for them.
There were sections of the arboretum that were different parts of the world. I found this fascinating. I thought all of them were neat in their own way, but the Asia one was pretty cool. With benches in each section, some artistic formations, and places to take pictures, there was much to enjoy. The whole arboretum itself wasn't super large, but it was just right, nestled next to a golf course. As we continued our walk, we found numerous things to talk about. It was the perfect place to reflect on life. Something so peaceful about nature. It heals the soul and opens communication. I love every bit of it.

Many Blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Monday, June 24, 2024
Business Spotlight: Local Wendy's
I sometimes have some free time in the afternoon, so I did a little exploring. I know my definition of exploring is most likely simple and easy for other people. But my inside social anxiety makes everything an adventure, so that's kind of how it feels to me. My senses are heightened when I step outside of my comfort zone. And on this particular day, I went to our local Wendy's. It's one of my favorite fast-food places, but I never eat inside. It makes me too nervous, so I avoid it. However, I changed that on this afternoon. I stepped into Wendy's, nerves and all. Stubbornly, I was going to enjoy this experience.

In the past years, it's also been my Dad's favorite place. We still, if we head into town for something together, we get a bite to eat there (just in the drive-thru). I suppose what one must do in this moment, is to remember to hold time spent with others a priority. Just hold them near, and once they're gone, make those memories last. I'm so glad I stopped here. But who knows? I may do it again soon. Thanks, Grandma! Miss you lots.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Business Spotlight: Delights
My day started like any other day, I got up and went to work. My plan, however, was different. I wanted to see if the Delights truck was across the parking lot from Ross. I drove over from work to Lewiston. My first stop was at TJ Maxx. I bought a few things (a cat pad scratcher and cat treat ball) for Kenji (my cat). I then drove along the parking lot and parked near the Delights cart. I was excited to try it. I had seen it on Facebook.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, June 21, 2024
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 2
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 2
Intro: There's more green around me. The plants are lovely, healthy,
and good right now. I, of course, take it all in. I'm just so thankful for these emerald gems.
Nice to capture these plants while I can. Enjoy these kinds of moments,
because they can disappear in nature. But they'll sure return again next year.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Business Spotlight: Bob's Pet And Pond

Walking past the aquariums, I felt in awe. I know. Sounds silly, right? But to experience something that would ordinarily not be viewable for people, is there to see and take in. I remember always wanting to work at Bob's Pet And Pond, but it never happened. I was pretty young then, and I had no experience to show that I worked with animals. Sometimes things don't happen the way we wished, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I miss those old days. Sorry. I've been really nostalgic lately. I can't help but think about the past. I often visit my past when something stirs my memory. So, yeah, I then headed home.
I got home and joined my kitty. Taking out his gifts, I showed them to him. He always gets so excited and likes to purr when he has gifts. I got him two smaller cat toys that looked like he might show interest in. I also got him his Churu rolls, of course. And a toy that I just couldn't resist. It's a wand that has a ufo with a cat at the top. A cow is connected to the lengthy material. It glows within! Such a funny and cute idea for a cat toy. I got a kick out of it, especially since I watch Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch. We played together for a little bit, and I gave him a Churu roll. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was pleased!
After that, I did chores and helped out at home. Later, blogging. It was nice to get out and do something kind of spontaneous. I deal with a lot of social anxiety, so making myself take pictures of a business is hard for me. Especially, when I went to Wendy's. It felt so good to push myself a little, though. I had fun, and I plan on doing more things like this in the days to come. If you liked today's post, be sure to follow my blog on Blogger (it's in the right sidebar) and on Facebook here. Thank you! Hoped you liked today's spotlight post.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Monday, June 17, 2024
A Day In My Life: Part 1
Once I'm done playing my game, I spend some time with God. I read some devotionals, write down my thoughts, and pray. Then, playtime with Kenji - my cat. I run around with him, play with toys, brush him, and feed him a Churu lickable treat (he's obsessed with these!). He always looks forward to all of this. I enjoy getting to spend my mornings with him. He's the sweetest kitty. If I get him a new toy, he starts purring. I love my big boy!
After those things were done, I spent ten minutes (or fifteen) in meditation. I often close my eyes and sit down on a cushion in my office. I play some gentle music and try to keep my mind blank. I do pray while I meditate. It's a nice refresher for the day, and it puts me in the right mindset. I try to not do anything too different when I meditate. I do replay in my head positive words to prepare myself. For instance, I'll think I'm strong. I'm capable. I'll do well at work. I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking these thoughts. You should say positive words to yourself. To, you know, have a great day.
I spotted a sweet note from my Dad on the kitchen counter. I got ready for work - cleaned up. Stopped by Starbucks and got a venti iced white chocolate mocha (my most favorite!). Thanks, Dad! Went to work at the bookstore. I enjoy my job so much. Being around books is fun. I also like being able to help people find a book they're looking for. I'll look around myself and think about the gifts and books while I'm working. It's hard not to shop. Books can be ordered, as well. So, if you're looking for something special, I can help you with that. The day went well at work. I drove home, and immediately ate lunch.
I stepped outside and snapped a fast picture of the cone flowers that had just recently bloomed. I helped with my brother in the afternoon and evening. When it was time to head out to my place, I took a quick picture of the sky. It was a smokey day, but was extremely good, overall. In the evenings, I usually read a book or watch something like Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch on Discovery+. I also spend some time blogging and writing. It was a full day, and I like having a schedule. Otherwise, I can get bored. Plus, it keeps me disciplined.
I read somewhere, people that keep a routine are happier. I believe it, because it helps me through my day. I often stay focused, disciplined, and in control. Not having any sense of direction for my day makes me feel lost. That's why I have a schedule for each day. I feel less together if I don't have direction. I just have to be doing something. Now, this might not apply to everyone. But it makes sense to me. I just know I'm more content. Hope you enjoyed this day in my life. I'm doing more of them in the near future. Goodbye!
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Devotional: Beeee Happy
We all go through hardship. Some more than others, but experiencing sadness is something we all must face. Depression itself is a dark place to be. It's not only sadness, however. It's darker than that. I, myself, went through a time where I felt like I was in a room without much light. Today, life can still be hard, but I've chosen to let that light in as much as I possibly can. We may even be in a place that is desperate. In that case, a positive word may not help. Depression can be clinical. I don't believe we can't just get over it.
In the darkness I was in, not a lot helped. Now, I've found myself in a good place. I still struggle, as we all do, in our own ways. And I deal with sadness, and mostly, anxiety. I have anxiety about everything. It's tiring. But I digress, in that darkness I grasped for any hope I could. It appeared so far away. Like, something I struggled to touch. It was not within reach. I looked for guidance, reassurance, and lastly, hope. I couldn't see any.
At the end of a phone call, I would ask my parents for advice. My Dad had two words he would tell me that stood out to me. He would say, "be happy." It was more like, "beeee happy." He would say them with a sunny tone. It also bolstered my heart, because it was something my Grandma would often say. In fact, he got it from her. For me, I knew that things would, or could, still be hard. But, hearing him say those particular words brought both encouragement and joy. I needed that connection.
I knew he wanted me to be happy. That was enough hope for me. I had to fight. I had to fight for what I could, and I'm still fighting. I don't know what the future holds for any of us. But I know that God wishes for us to be happy. That, my parents wish for the same thing. I even got a keychain for my collection that says "bee happy" on it. You know, like a bee. It was a reminder of those words. I'm not saying that two words can change your life completely, but they sure can help. This Father's Day, I'd like to thank my Dad for always supporting me and for giving me advice. I hold those two words close to my heart.
Be Happy.
"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13
Do you need prayer? Leave a comment, and I'll pray for you.
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Friday, June 14, 2024
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 1
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 1
Intro: Nothing but green all around me. I know it won't last, but
at least I get to see the foliage be this vibrant.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Website Spotlight: CMADDICT
CMADDICT has been around for a while. I remember when it first started. I was a contributor in the beginning stages. I then became assistant editor. I wrote reviews and interviews for it. With my brother, I plan on being a contributor again. I'll be writing album reviews for the site. They won't be posted here, but I'll provide a link to the reviews on the right sidebar of my blog. If you like my Facebook page, you can find a future link posted there, as well. I plan on signing up for Spotify to listen to the newest Christian music, so that I can review them. I'm really looking forward to it. Going to be awesome.
My brother has a disability, but that doesn't stop him. He manages the site himself, and he does everything. He inspires me with the hard work he puts into his site. He's talked with numerous Chrisitan artists. He even made a connection for me to interview Rebecca St. James. I remember being so nervous about it. It was one of my first interviews done over the phone with someone. I'm so thankful that I got the chance to talk with different people. It was a fun and exciting time. I'm eager to get back to writing reviews again.
Kevin is my older brother. He goes through so much each day, but he doesn't complain. He works on his site and helps new artists with their music. I've added a little of his bio below here. You can find the rest of it on "I was nineteen when I broke my neck in Canada. At the time I was diagnosed with a C2 complete spinal cord injury which meant I had nothing. I couldn't move, breathe or anything. All I could do is blink. The doctor there was sure to inform my parents that I would never again regain anything."
I hope you were inspired today by my brother. He's brave, humble, and strong. His work on CMADDICT is so cool, and that he is also able to help other artists in the music field. If you like Christian music, go visit his site. Be sure to check out his Spotify playlists, too. There's some amazing music there. Thank you, everyone! Enjoy the music! Find the playlists here.
Facebook Page: CMADDICT Official
Twitter: @CMADDICT
Instagram: cmaddict
Many blessings,
- Grace Thorson
Monday, June 10, 2024
Museum Spotlight: Nez Perce National Historical Park
On the left wall, a beautiful mural. A long canoe sat alongside it. I snapped a couple of different angles. This wasn't part of the new exhibit. I had seen it before, but it's always so cool. As I finished taking pictures of it, I focused my attention on the horse within a glass case. I especially liked this. It wasn't new either, but I didn't remember it much from the last I went there. The Nez Perce pride themselves on the Appaloosa, and I can only imagine this wear on a real horse. If you've ever seen an Appaloosa, they're beautiful horses.
I opened the door leading to the new exhibit. I was excited to see it. Admittedly, I tried to open the wrong door when it was clearly labeled that the right door was the one to open. Shaking off the embarrassment, I walked into the dark room. It was completely different from what I remember of the old exhibit. The old exhibit was more simpler and had some information about the artifacts. This one was immersive and informational. It was much more interactive in that it had things you could do. There was also plenty of information. I really liked it; however, I was distracted by taking my many photos.
I do this when I take photos. I forget to enjoy and take in something when I'm in the zone. I regret not spending more time in reading the info and joining in on the interactive stations they had. The nice thing is, I can easily visit it again, and pay more attention. There were a few people at the museum that seemed like they were outside of the area. The kids were enjoying the exhibit, and the parents took photos. I was concerned myself with taking photos, but I still really enjoyed it. Would go again to take it in better.
I recommend visiting the museum to see the new exhibit. Bring your family and enjoy the past that has a modern way of viewing it. For more info about the museum, you can google hours and info. Where should I go next? Leave a comment with your ideas. Please, don't forget to follow my blog and like my page on Facebook! Thank you so much.
- Grace Thorson
Restaurant Spotlight: Zany's
I've been to the local restaurant Zany's for many years. We've celebrated birthdays, my baptism, and just had wonderful meetups ...

This is my new blog. I've had some in the past, but this one is different. It focuses on the journey we all take because a lot of us wan...
On a lovely Autumn day, I took a drive up to Juliaetta. My plan was to take pictures of the local library there because I wanted to do a spo...
Photo Quests: Green All Around Me - Part 1 Intro: Nothing but green all around me. I know it won't last, but at least I get to see the...